While you can still make money in foreign stock markets of highly developed countries such as USA or Japan, investing in third countries offer a more predictable growth potential. That is, while the japanese today have difficulties to grow because the country is already an economic giant, Brazil has a lot to grow ahead, after all, he is still a third world country.
Want an example?
Think, if you want greater returns on your investments and decide to invest in China, the likelihood of your return being very satisfying is quite high. This is due to the factor of economic stagnation in developed countries and outsourcing services to cheaper places.
For example, a huge portion of all electronic things, fake or not, are made in China because the labor there is ridiculously cheap. With this, the Chinese industry is growing and growing. Then the Chinese investor, which already invests in companies of their own country, make lots of money. Gradually the news spreads like fire and soon people from other countries decide to invest in China as well.
But fortunately it's not just China that offers huge financial returns for an investor in the stock market. There are other emerging countries with huge potential for growth, among them are Russia, India and of course, Brazil.
The good thing about this is that besides the possibility of higher returns, the economic trend of the country for the long term is bright. So it will be very difficult to lose money in the long term by investing in stocks with great fundamentals. The natural tendency for the future is for stocks to go up!
So if you want to invest in Bovespa, realize that besides all the advantages of investing in brazilian bonds that yields (10%-15%) a year, there are external and internal economic factors which makes the Brazilian Stock Exchange (Bovespa) a really good place to invest too.