If you want to make money with stocks then you need to understand the way greed and fear work in your benefit. The best way to understand how greed and fear work is to follow many different stocks when their yearly reports come out and when any news is released to the public about them. The reason this will help you understand greed and fear is because you will get the chance to see how the public reacts to such news.
Something you should know about people and why they can't make money with stocks isn't that they don't know how to, it is they are too greedy or fearful of losing what they have. If you have money in stocks then you should already have kissed that money good bye because at a moments notice it could be taken away from you with barely any sign.
With that said I want to leave you with one last thought. The best way to make money with stocks is to follow a handful of them and trade on them when you see the time is right. Don't be afraid to make a trade on something you have done the research on, you will never know if the trade you decided to do was good or bad until days or weeks later.