2011年7月31日 星期日

Business Ideas | Budget-friendly Ideas Home Business

Lack of capital and ideas are probably limited the main reasons that prevent us from doing our own home business. These two problems could be easily resolved. A number of home business ideas are the portfolios use. In these times of information explosion, it is not difficult to find suitable business ideas, online or offline, free or pay money. Here are some ideas for your reference:

1. If you're a good writer or write and have a computer at home, why not write for others? Today, many websites are new and need people to write articles, description, posts, guides and website promotion. For example, PayPerPost has many advertisers, if you have good traffic, blog PR rank, and some writing skills, you can earn money just to write after the other.

2. Build a website yourself. If you know anything about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and website design, you can start. If not, the study for some time or hire someone to work for you. Don 't worry about the origin of the product. Internet offers tremendous resources, for example, if you want to sell electronics, you might consider chinavasion.com, actfind.com, bigboxstore.com tradestead.com and that the vendors of China electronics wholesale, while for clothes, you can think of these Chinese wholesalers, including beltal.com, chinesewholesaler.com, tradekey.com, dhgate.com, etc.

3. Selling on online auctions sites such as superauctions.com. If you have something you don 't like, but still valuable to others, auction sites are better to deal effectively with them. These sites can help your wallet. You can also find low-cost items but the quality garage sales in your living room / surroundings, whether to continue with this business.

4. Kind to others. If your typing speed is amazing, you can write to make money. Some companies and some people don 't like to hire an employee to do this work because I think it is so profitable. Instead, they are more willing to employ part-time workers.

5. If you are good in some subjects like mathematics, physics and music, why don 't guardians of children in their study for the family. The parents of a family who is too busy with their jobs or have inadequate capacity to teach their children surely need someone to make this work for them and pay him / her.

No matter what you choose to do, choose the one that best suits your style, situation and character. The plan plan too ambitious or you don 't like it at all easy to lead to failure. More than 5 ideas will cost very little money to start-up business at home and it is easy to perform and succeed.

Fisher Investments | Fisher Investments MarketMinder Article - Eye To Earnings

With company revenues in Q1 spotlight this week, there have been some interesting comments from my company, Fisher Investments. On 20/04/11, an article was published in the e-zine called Fisher Investments MarketMinder "Our eyes Income." This is the perspective of the market with an eye of Fisher Investments, a look at the earnings season.

Although it 's easy to see companies like Apple, which reports earnings this quarter were truly remarkable, Fisher Investments is cautiously optimistic that this season's results will show the U.S. remains well positioned for continued economic growth. I, for one, hope you 're right. Meanwhile, I'll be paying attention to what the report of business and develop my own ideas about what this means in the long run. Should be an interesting week, regardless of the outcome.

For those of you who follow the stock market, you know that 110 companies set to report Q1 revenues for 2011 this week. Fisher Investments offers some interesting food for thought throughout the article.

Here are some items I found interesting from the article:

1) Investors should not 't wait to see the same extraordinary revenue growth in recent quarters. The consensus expectations are for profit growth of 12% year-over-year in Q1 2011 and an 8% increase in revenue. Given earnings rose 31% globally by 2010, if earnings growth less vaunted cause for disappointment? Not at all. First note: After a strong rebound by many measures, after taxes are at historic highs.

2) The U.S. remains well positioned for continued economic growth. (S & P 's recent announcement in the U.S. negative attitude based largely on concerns about the political process, economic metrics, which remain generally expansionary For more information, see MarketMinder Fisher Investments. "History s recent cover: "The Scarlet Letter.") The same is true worldwide.

3) The era of 30% + consecutive quarterly earnings growth is likely behind us "for this cycle at least. And profit growth, such as stock returns will probably be more differentiated across sectors and categories closer this year. But this is only a sign of a transition from recovery and expansion.

For the full article, check out this link:. Earnings happy season! - AWF

Hedge Funds | Man Tops List Of 50 Largest Hedge Funds

Man Investments is the fund of Europe 's major coverage, top the list of an industry that has been fully recovered in 2011.

Hedge Man 's arm fund had assets under management (AUM) of $ 34.1bn (20.9bn) as of June 11, according to the survey Europe50 by The Journal of hedge funds.

Figures of man 's were boosted by the acquisition of GLG Partners for $ 1.5bn in 2010. In the second place at the table BlackRock whose assets reached U.S. $ 34bn.

Meanwhile Brevan Howard "that lost the top spot it occupied in 2009 and 2010" was third with $ 32.1bn. Bluecrest Capital retained fourth as AUM jumped 31 percent to 26.8bn. Winton Capital giants futures rose 64 percent to $ 22.4bn to bag fifth after an impressive year, the survey, sponsored by Newedge brokerage government, he said.

Success among the top 50 firms reflects a general rise in 2011 with total assets under management up 26 percent compared to 2010 to $ 374bn.

That's a record for the survey, exceeding the last bull market in 2008, when 50 were managing a total of $ 360bn.

The earnings of the top five companies in 2011 took his combined $ 149.4bn AUM, representing 40 percent of total funds managed by the top 50.

Report author Bill McIntosh said: "While it is true that hedge funds as a whole are back in business, is if the major players are doing exceptionally well.

"The figures in the global survey 's show the good health of the European hedge fund industry." Europe50 Other companies include Standard Life, previously unclassified, which reached number nine on the table with AUM of $ 12.9bn. HSBC Global Asset Management decreased from 17 to 28. with $ 4.1bn.

The report also found that managers of hedge funds had taken fewer risks with investors' money, and in doing so, he had served them well during the last year.

1. Man Investments
The Man Investments $ 34.1bn (20.9bn), part of the largest in the world 's alternative manager Man Group, led by Peter Clarke (right) dates from 1983. Its five largest funds management in at least $ 1bn and meet the future management strategies to arbitration. Star fund manager Tim Wong directs both the man $ 2.5 billion AHL Diversified fund and the recently released $ 2.3 billion of funds from Nomura Global Trend, the popular Asia-focused fund that has been credited with the revival of Man Group 's benefits since April.

BLACKROCK Coverage 'S operation of the fund, led by Laurence Fink (above) rose from third to second place this year as fund managers assets grew to $ 34bn (20.8bn) from $ 21.6bn in June 2010. The manager of the world 's largest money, his largest fund is the UK 1.34bn emerging hedge fund companies, while others invest in European equities, all in the long-short.

3. Brevan Howard
Brevan has fallen to third place last year in the first place, despite the collection of funds under management to $ 32.1bn (19.6bn) from $ 31.5bn in June. The fund is the flagship of its $ 24.2bn fund teacher, administrator giant, multiple, fixed income and forex funds macro. His latest creation is the catalyst for credit, now $ 1.8 billion in size, which was released in 2009.

4. CAPITAL Bluecrest
The dream team of Mike Platt (above) and Leda Braga has overseen a jump in funds Bluecrest 's from $ 20.5bn a year ago to $ 26.8bn today. Its funds include the macro world title Bluecrest International Capital, managed futures BlueTrend centered, each holder of more than $ 8 billion. His diversified background Bluecrest manages another $ 5.4bn AllBlue.

5. Winton Capital
Winton, directed by David Harding (above), has assets of $ 22.4bn, a big jump from $ 13.7bn in June 2010. Unlike many peers, which makes most of its money from the $ 14.3bn it has in managed accounts, separately for individual investors. Winton Futures Fund has its estimated $ 7.8bn, but the evolution of other notable and Octo funds are much smaller at just over $ 100 million each.

Financial Advisors | Http://finance.atsandiegoarea.com

Investment Calculator | Inter-institutional Investment Information

You can see, we must be very pleased that we have in this contemporary production, due to the existence of the Internet. With the Internet, every information (whether about the benefits of the investment or any risk, such as investments, investment calculator, investment or investment blogs can be found easily on the Internet, with great articles like this ..

First and foremost you need to begin to understand their desire and develop an experience of companies with growth prospects in the market. If you invest in a business that has good prospects, but do not like it, the chances of success are quite biased. Secondly, it is important to plan strategies and policies that they believe might be appropriate for your business. Originality is the key. You can take as an example of successful companies, but the copy of your systems can be disastrous.

Even when you have planned everything and make sure your wishes are fulfilled and accomplished financial, be careful because anything can happen! Taking your car to the shop for repairs, making minor home improvements or more or lose their job every investment may come from a rigorously planned.

The biggest investment mistake is to buy high and sell low. People tend to speculate in stocks when prices have increased and sell when the reverse. If proper research was done by the investor that this can not happen. Recessions and market declines should be the perfect time for supporters. However, just like good wine, investments are proof that it improves with age.

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Find stocks that are priced cheap and will be around for the next twenty years (often blue chip stocks) are an excellent investment option, because the same shares can be sold for higher costs when economic conditions and recession increases leaving you with higher profits or gains. The best advice on how to take a position in times of recession is that you should not be afraid of or understand the risk involved and knowing that the investment is unreliable, no matter what the state of the economy.

The exciting and devastating lows of the market today 's reports state that almost every night. Almost all know someone who 'lost money in today s' s unstable market. As a result of this investment novices are extremely horrible to invest in stocks with money ones.

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2011年7月30日 星期六

Fisher Investments Marketminder | Ken Fisher Investments

Fisher Investments Careers | The 2011 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version

Hedge Funds | Hedge Funds. What Are They?

Hedge funds have been around since the fifties, but only grew in popularity in the 1960s. With big names like George Soros and Michael Steinhardt, fund management achieved a high profile within the investment community and beyond. During this time, which Is not 't get enough of the show was that a hedge fund actually did.

Hedge funds are very similar to mutual funds, except for fewer regulations and therefore can invest in a wide range of investments including shares, debt, commodities and so on. Hedge funds have the freedom to seek to offset potential losses in the markets of capital invested in hedge their investments through a variety of methods, hence the name hedge funds. There are about 14 different investment strategies used by hedge funds, each with varying degrees of risk and return. A macro hedge fun, for example, invests in equities and bonds and other investment opportunities, such as currencies, hoping to profit in significant changes in such things as global interest rates and countries " economic policies.

A hedge fund usually commit to a particular investment strategy, investment rates and leverage levels through declarations in the documentation it provides, thus giving investors an idea of ??the nature of the fund.

A persistent error in the general public is that all hedge funds act the same. Not true. On the one hand, has that "few," short for investors to adjust by software quantitative investment strategies. On the other hand, there are hedge funds that invest in the market by getting under the skin of the companies and review their past performance and current and future earnings.

The other misconception is that all hedge funds are volatile. In fact, less than 5% of hedge funds are global macro funds. Most hedge funds use derivatives only for hedging or don 't use derivatives at all, and many do not use leverage.

The largest hedge funds in Europe are Barclays Global Investors, Cheyne Capital, Howard Brewer, GLG Partners and Man Investments, among others.

Home Business Opportunities | Sorted By De-sign

It 's not uncommon in Prince George' s County pass the telephone poles stuck with all that junk advertising flyers, transportation service to work from home business opportunities. Some busy roads seem to sprout illegal signs as often as weeds.

Officials in Cheverly - a city just over 1 square kilometer with a population of about 6,000 - became fed up with the "visual impairment" of illegal signs and conducted an undercover operation in which they called the companies that appear in posters, claiming to be interested? in their services. Once you have enough of a relationship between the company and the poster, which fined the business owners $ 50 for signing illegal. The city has issued 26 tickets since the initiative began in April, none of the entries has been challenged, an official said.

Municipal leaders took their efforts a step further and modify the policy of the city (which began more than two decades) to make it easier to punish those involved in the setting of illegal signs. Often, companies listed on the flyers to deny knowledge of the signs, making it difficult to punish offenders. Wisely, Cheverly expanded its "signs of the public rights of way" July 14th Ordinance to mirror the County s policy to fine any person or group linked to the signs, regardless of whether they admit their involvement. Unless the company or individuals listed to provide credible evidence that signs were posted without their participation will be ticketed.

Since the crackdown, Cheverly city manager 's said that there have been new signs on telephone poles in town.

While the removal of illegal signs by itself does not beautify the community, it sends a message that the city is proud of his community, has a stand of offenders and is intended to provide a good quality of life residents. Other municipalities, if not 't already, you should consider doubling Cheverly' s effort. After all, not only the community to be cleaner, but many could afford the fines increased budget.

How To Invest | NFL And The NBA Lockout Lock: How To Invest In Professional Sports Teams

A long-term growth opportunities abound in the sporting goods industry.

- Ben Shepherd, Global ETF benefits

With very weak this morning of June employment report showed an increase in jobs of just 18,000 and an unemployment rate increased to 9.2%, the news that the National Football League (NFL) and National Basketball League (NBA) are involved in crashes player is a national shame.

In the case of the NFL, we have a very profitable company that generates more than enough money for everyone involved, but the owners insist on fighting the multi-billionaire millionaire players on how to allocate $ 9 , 3 billion in revenue. The details of the dispute can be read here, but the conclusion is that both parties are rich and have no problem regardless of the outcome. The situation in the NBA is different because the league would have lost $ 1.5 billion in the last five years, but it is clear that player salaries are the problem. On the contrary, what is clear is that the American public - many of whom are unemployed and losing their homes - are set to be deprived of what little joy left in this world, watching football and basketball television.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not laying all the blame on the owners of the disputes. Block owners are a perfectly legal pressure to enforce collective bargaining situations, as employees have the right to strike. In fact, NFL players lawsuit "claiming that the March 12 block XX

owner was illegal because there was no union player (players had intentionally decertified their union just before closing time) was ridiculous. The U.S. 8th

Circuit Court of Appeals has just described the ridiculous argument of the players was in its decision today in favor of the owners and deny the petition to ban the lock owner.

As I said before, if you can not beat them, join them. Sports owners are making money and investors may also benefit financially.

No professional sports team is publicly traded, so investors can only participate by owning shares of companies that own the teams. Below is a list of companies that either own or professional sports teams are affiliated directly with the owner of the equipment. If you do not want to risk property of the individual firm, which also provide exchange-traded fund (ETF) that takes the brunt of the company's portfolio. You can find the weights in the foundation of any action by going to this website this website ETF or ETF.

The overall benefits of the ETF co-editors of Ben Shepherd and Yiannis Mostrous approach low-cost ETFs and ETN most likely to outperform the global markets - both equity and fixed income - in the future. They are not "index huggers", but trying to beat the market with their decision contrary to the best of industry sectors. In fact, Ben and Yiannis have identified 25 ETFs in a multitude of different industries are in the range of buying at this time.

To find the specific names of all of Ben and Yiannis favorite ETFs, consider the overall benefits of the ETF a try today!

2011年7月29日 星期五

Investment Banking | Focus KBW 's Could Lead To A Number Of Slums Investment Banking Revenue

KBW KBW reported a net loss of $ 4.2 million, or $ 0.14 per share, $ 64 million of revenue for the second quarter of 2011. Revenues decreased by a spectacular 33% sequentially, primarily from income 60% less than investment banking. Other sources of income rose with dignity and accounted for only 9% of the revenue decline 33% sequentially. Although second quarter results were lower than expected, they don 't plan to make a major change in the estimated fair value, as our long-term outlook remains unchanged.

Excluding amortization of structured securities, which reduced principal transactions revenues during the recession, KBW reported its lowest level of income from a public company in the most recent quarter. A key difference between KBW and its fellow investment banking is its focus on financial institutions. For most investment banks, underwriting income was subjected to during the recession, but began to increase as the economy recovered. For KBW 's, income from investment banking is still very healthy during the recession, as many banks need to raise capital to repair their balance sheets. With many U.S. banks standing firm, no longer have an urgent need to improve their capital base. Moreover, as the U.S. economy is subject, many financial institutions don 't see the need to raise capital for expansion. Next quarter, revenues from investment banking could recover something, it would be difficult to find in the bottom of the second quarter sad. However, until the economy recovers and financial institutions are optimistic about the expansion or regulations to promote the consolidation, they don 't anticipate sustained growth in KBW' s investment banking revenue.

Although we believe that investment banking may remain moderate in the short term, a healthy level of fees could provide some stability of income they need. For the most part, we believe institutional brokerage operations is one of the least attractive of an investment bank. That said, the expansion of KBW 's in Europe and Asia, leads us to believe that fee income can be a major growth factor for the company in the future of investment banking revenues.

In anticipation of revenue growth slowed, the administration has decided to review its costs. Many investment banks have also recently announced the cost-saving initiatives, so it 's more a factor of a grim picture of the industry problems of KBW. One bright spot for children KBW regarding the discipline of management expenses is that outside the neighborhoods where the company has experienced significant losses in principal transactions, compensation has varied with income and has generally been the range of 58% to 65%.

Investment Calculator | The Main Benefits Of Mortgage Calculators

People can easily save on their mortgages when the rates of monthly prepayment. At the end of pay period, reducing the total price of the house they are buying.

So, what are the main advantages of mortgage calculators? A lot of people are not too sure that these calculators can bring all the good they can get from your investment. If you 're the kind of person that just isn' t just reassured that much better to see the advantages of this tool

1. Save money. When making investments, not 're looking for just the price of the property in front of you. Instead, take a look at the bigger picture and try to weave a plan on how best to save money with every possible means. Using the calculator will allow you to do this. You can decrease the redemption price of the mortgage with the interest is reduced.

2. Being in the right direction. Making choices when you are in the process of investing can be difficult. The calculator will help you make the right choice and could even lead to better direction. It is possible to have the pleasure of accuracy in their decisions based on the results along with the plan that might have developed from it. This also allows you to face less risk compared to investment without a carefully laid plan.

3. Reduce stress. If you think that investment is really a very pleasant experience, I think once more. Investing is not as easy as buying apples at the fruit stand. It 's stressful and sometimes the mind of demolition. For that reason, it is imperative that s' is all possible assistance to ensure they are able to reduce the stress that can lead this task. Using the calculator will help ease some anxiety related to their investment.

Invest | Yes, You Can Actually Invest In Real Estate With No Money

Want to participate in investment in real estate but don t 'seems to have more money in the bank? This is a common problem, but I did not realize, is that you can start investing with little or nothing in your bank account. Basically, if you own your own home, you can take advantage of this and is investing in no time flat.

As long as you own your own home, pay the mortgage and have enough credit decline, which in reality will be easy to start investing in real estate. It is more likely that a good amount of equity in your home. Even if you only owned your home for a short time, has been paying off and most likely has increased in value. Just take a look at the balance of your mortgage and subtract it from its current value. Of course, you may need to include a second mortgage or lien and others that can be owned, but there must be equality for work. This is the green light to further investment.

Here are three ways to use home equity to raise capital to invest in real estate.

1. Refinancing your home - you can refinance your home, get a better rate of interest and get some money from a mortgage refinancing. You can use the money to buy an investment property directly, or should at least have enough money, at least for a down payment on a property. Be sure to consult your lender or mortgage broker for any of the rules on cash-out refinancing. Consider a cash-out mortgage refinance may have higher interest rates than other types of mortgages.

2. Using a home equity loan - A home equity loan uses the equity in your home as collateral, this would be a second mortgage for which you already have. The mortgage amount is based on a percentage of the value of your home. You can borrow up to 100% of the value of your home, but if you are getting a home equity loan on a second property, may not be able to borrow as much. This type of loan that allows the option of paying the loan off early without penalty, just a nice little bonus.

3. Opening a line of credit - A line of credit has a credit limit like a credit card. This is not unlike a home equity loan, the amount you can borrow is based on your credit score and the amount of equity in your home. You can transfer funds from your line of credit, or even write checks directly from the account. Interest rates are generally lower than cash, mortgage refinancing, and there are tax advantages too. Another advantage is that only paying interest and making payments on the amount owed at the time, not the total amount of the loan. In the future, may also be able to renegotiate a higher credit line when you increase the equity in your home, especially if you have made improvements to your home.

Real Estate Investing is not just for the rich. The average homeowner can get started in real estate investing, even if you don 't have a lot of money in the bank. You can use cash, to refinance mortgages, mortgage lending and mortgage credit lines to begin your journey as a real estate investor, and continue to build more investment in the future.

Stock Exchange | Bisbee Stock Exchange-johnny Rodriguez Fusion Shredding Guitar

Hedge Fund | Ex-Manager Of SAC Gets 2-1/2 Years In Prison Insider Trading Case

* Longueuil admitted to securities fraud, conspiracy

* USA 46-57 month term sought, the defense requested less

* Charged hard drives destroyed, garbage trucks Eye - United States

By Jonathan Stempel

NEW YORK, July 29 (Reuters) - A former portfolio manager Steven A. atbillionaire Cohen 's hedge fund was sentenced to 2-1/2 onFriday years in prison after pleading guilty to trading toinsider the chip maker Marvell Technology Group Ltd (MRVL. O).

Donald Longueuil, a former SAC Capital Advisors LP MoneyManager is one of about 50 people who have an extensive U.S. chargedin hedge fund insider trading probe unveiledin October 2009. Longueuil, 35, pleaded guilty in April 28to securities fraud and conspiracy, and lost $ 1.25 billion.

Prosecutors said that from 2006 to 2010, Longueuil, Noah Freeman formerSAC analyst and hedge fund manager Samir Baraiagreed to share tips on companies such as Marvell, Actel Corp., Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD.N), Cypress Semiconductor Corp (CY . O), Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. and Nvidia Corp. (NVDA.O).

He also said wiretaps showed Longueuiladmitting reported to have toured Manhattan at 2 am to find that rule garbagetrucks flash and hard drives destroyed.

The penalty imposed by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff wasshorter 46 to 57 months that prosecutors sought, whichmirrored federal sentencing guidelines.

It is also the same sentence as Danielle Chiesi, a formerhedge fund operator who pleaded guilty to insider trading, received on July 20 from another federal judge in Manhattan, Rakoff apunishment discussed.

Longueuil attorney 's, Craig Carpenito, called for a 18-monthterm.

"Base of the Naked Truth"

Rakoff said the prosecution made a "compelling case" that the trade priorinsider sentences have not deterred others, but thatthe guidelines range is "artificial and not the multitude of variables reasonablycapture" in the case of Longueuil 's.

The judge said he had condemned Longueuil justtwo years in prison, but obstruction of justice.

"There is much good in this person," and the defendant, "the fullness inthe time, lead a productive and useful," Rakoff said. "But there is a basis of specific facts that cannotbe ignored."

Longueuil before the judge said he accepted "fullresponsibility" for their crimes. "I made mistakes, I crossed Thelin, who broke the law," he said.

The defendant maintained his composure during thesentencing, but wept on his shoulder counsel 's right afterward.Carpenito declined to comment after the hearing. Longueuil isexpected to begin his sentence on September 13.

Neither SAC, one of the hedge fund better known norCohen has been implicated in the investigation of hedge funds. SAC has saidit has cooperated with the government.

"Hedge Fund Manager INSATIABLE yuppie"

Avi Weitzman, a federal prosecutor, had told Rakoff statement priorto Longueuil conducted a "long-term, dedicated effort repeatedand" with Barai and Freeman to enter tipsand advance your career.

"The amount of money people can earn in place, young adults, is very large," he said.

Carpenito, however, called his client "best, Tommee A third level," which has its tricks indirectly. Calledit also to "tense argument" for Longueuil as a "hedge fund manager insatiableyuppie" the prosecution portrayed. "

Prosecutors said a source of advice for Longueuil, Barai Jiau andFreeman was Winifred, an expert consultant for Primary Global Research LLC networkingfirm. A federal jury convicted Jiauof insider trading on 20 June. [ID: nN1E75I0BL]

Barai and Freeman were also convicted. Most defendants theremaining? In the investigation of insider information that pleadedguilty or were convicted at trial.

The case is U.S. against Longueuil, USA District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-00161. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel, editing by Gary Hill)

2011年7月28日 星期四

Best Investments | The Best Online Mba Programs

Whether you are just starting out in the business world or have several years experience, making the decision to earn your MBA will undoubtedly be one the best investments you will ever make to enhance you career opportunities. There are an increasing number of accredited colleges and universities that offer MBA degrees in a wide array of specializations from general MBA's to MBA's in accounting, business, sports management, education, information technology and more. With so many colleges vying fr MBA candidates that qualify for such degree programs, it can be confusing and difficult to know which college to choose. Since both traditional campus colleges and online colleges offer the same high caliber education your decision must first be based on which are the top MBA schools. If you have decided to continue working while you earn your degree then your next criteria should be which schools have the best online MBA programs that match your particular interests and career goals.

Keep in mind that once you have graduated, it will make a difference if you have attended one of the top MBA schools since employers and professional recruiters will most certainly consider the name of the college that is shown on your degree. When researching the top MBA schools remember that one will have more relevance to your career goals than another one might. For example, even though Harvard Business School consistently ranks as having the best online mba programs, your career in the international hospitality sector may best be served by attending a local community college that is highly recognized by the industry. The specific schools that offer MBA programs in your area of interest will more than likely also offer the best online MBA programs which will allow you to continue gaining valuable experience while maintaining and building important networking relationships as you earn your degree.

Once you have narrowed down your choice of the top MBA schools that offer the best online MBA programs that fit with your specific career goals, it is recommended that you conduct several information interviews within the industry that you will be working in. The HR departments of most businesses will be more than happy to advise you as to which colleges and universities they are most likely to hire graduates from. They are generally very eager to offer other helpful advice about what they are looking for when recruiting new employees.

Most official MBA school ranking publications will show many of the same schools in their top 100 rankings. It is important to visit each college website from the list of the top MBA schools that you are considering in order to get more detailed information on their course outline, admissions and application process, tuition fees, etc. Always request more information and speak to a college enrollment advisor if possible. There is no doubt that a Master's Degree will improve your career options and set you on the road to a personally, professionally and financially rewarding career for years to come.
The following schools consistently appear on most Top MBA Schools ranking lists.

1. Harvard Business School (United States) Harvard's first year of study will cover the schools required curriculum building a solid base in core business practices through leadership, finance, operations, marketing and strategy among other topics. Following this, the elective curriculum will build on your newly acquired quantitative and analytical skills through a choice of 10 specific subject areas with an expansive 96 courses to choose from. Your knowledge and confidence in all areas of business will be greatly enhanced through unique real-world experiences.

2. Stanford University Graduate School of Business (United States) With 80 years of experience in the business world, Stanford understands the value of shaping the breadth of knowledge their students already possess. This new skill set will enable students to implement innovative organizational changes that are capable of meeting the challenges of today's tumultuous economy. A more intimate setting provides a purposefully designed advantage that enables students to analyze and comprehend more focused course work at an accelerated pace.

3. University of Western Ontario - Ivey Business School (United States) Just as with any successful business or learning experience, a comprehensive foundation is the key to future success. With a faculty that is comprised of world class experts in their field students will acquire the skills to implement innovative business solutions in a variety of real-world situations. The unique teaching method of placing students in a wide spectrum of decision making roles provides graduates with the confidence to take control of the challenges that face today's business and corporate world.

4. Columbia University (United States) Columbia's recently revised curriculum answers the challenges faced by corporations conducting business in today's uncertain economic climate. Instilling the concept that business decisions can have a profound effect on society supports and encourages the raising of ethical business issues and concerns. Innovative courses support the school's commitment in helping students create and grow successful business models that offer unique and responsible stakeholder benefits that reflect today's powerful and global economy.

5. University of Oxford (United Kingdom) For more than 800 years Oxford has proudly given successful graduates a prestigious degree that is still sought after by leading businesses and corporations around the world. The one-year MBA program offers students flexibility combined with a comprehensive program taught by a faculty of scholars from around the world.

Investment Banking | Investment Banking And The Future Of Wall Street

The current economic meltdown has changed the face of Wall Street, possibly forever. For decades the energy in the market had been fueled by high-rolling investment bankers, but look what's happened in the last eight months. Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Bear Stearns was snapped up by JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch got bought out by Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley had to convert to bank holding companies just to stay in business. Five major investment banks . . .and then there were none.

At the beginning of this year, those five firms had a combined market value of around $250 billion with the top firm, Goldman Sachs, valued at nearly $90 billion. Now the top banks, which are comparatively small boutique firmsRaymond James, Jefferies & Co, Greenhill & Co, Keefe Bruyette & Woods and Piper Jaffrayhave a combined market value of $12 billion, a number that has shrunk by a factor of 20.

Essentially, the global economic crisis has ushered in the era of universal banking where massive financial firms offer every conceivable kind of investment product and service. Even smaller brokerage firms face being herded under the umbrellas of big banks, or else risk becoming irrelevant.

Historic Realignment of the Industry

When Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley opted to become bank holding companies it marked an historic realignment of the financial services industry and the end of a securities firm model that had prevailed on Wall Street since the Great Depression. But why did they make the change? Partly because it's given both firms access to the Federal Reserve's discount window the same line of credit that is open to other depository institutions at a lower interest rate.

As bank holding companies, they can also tap into deposits from retail customers. The two firms had already received a temporary financial lifeline from the Fedthe Primary Dealer Credit Facilitythe special reserves established to bail out Wall Street broker-dealers like the Bear Stearns deal in March 2008.

Even though Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are now classified as bank holding companies and are part of the universal banking model, they'll still be able to engage in investment banking activities. But after years of loose oversight by the Securities and Exchange Commission, they're now faced with tighter regulations imposed by the Federal Reserve and they are subjected to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation oversight.

The Golden Years of Investment Banking

A quick historical review of investment banks will serve as a backdrop to the events that led to their downfall.

Independent investment banks have been around for a long time, but originally they were small private partnerships that earned most of their money from offering corporate finance and investment advice, as well as some broking and other services. If you had walked into one of their offices and looked around, you might have mistaken it for a large law firm.

The success of their business model depended on the trust built through long-term relationships. There wasn't much money at risk in the early days because the firms operated primarily with the partners' own money. That meant there weren't vast sums available to gamble on risky ventures with excessive leverage. But the lack of working capital and a desire to orchestrate splashier deals, motivated the firms to go public in the late 90s.

The Downfall Begins

With more capital in the coffers and a growing access to low cost, short-term debt, managers started to make larger, riskier capital betsmost recently those troubling and toxic mortgage-backed securities.

The regulations that had once separated investment banks from traditional banks were no longer in place. That opened the way for big global banks like Citigroup and JP Morgan to start competing with Wall Street for what had traditionally been the domain of the investment banking business. This forced Wall Street firms to expand their services, to use more leverage and to take even bigger risks.

When those risks led to profits, the dealmakers were rewarded with outlandish bonuses and the wheels were set in motion for bigger risk-taking. Throw patchy government regulation into the mix and you have, as the saying goes, a recipe for disaster.

Before long, major Wall Street firms were leveraged three or four times more than conventional banks, yet they still operated under far less stringent regulations than the banks.

It wasn't until the financial crisis reared its ugly head in mid-2008 that the U.S. Fed stepped in and for the first time, allowed investment banks access to their discounted funds. Then when the credit crisis hit, highly leveraged Wall Street firms like Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs found themselves in even deeper trouble. They'd already suffered huge losses with their hedge funds and high-risk ventures, but their excessive leverage compounded their problems as the credit crisis stripped them of the ability to raise the additional capital they needed to survive.

The Outlook for Wall Street

What's the outlook for those working on Wall Street now? No doubt there will be less excitement and no more of the huge bonuses that dealmakers had grown accustomed to. But there are bigger concerns about whether the U.S. will lose its competitive edge and the ability to maintain its power status in the global financial system.

Some of the best and brightest might pull up stakes and head for better opportunities in the burgeoning Asian Markets, or they could flip over to the unregulated Hedge Fund marketat least for as long as those funds manage to survive. Thousands of Hedge Funds are going out of business, bringing serious grief to investors like the huge public pension funds, foundations and endowments that have poured billions of dollars into these private partnerships.

If there is any good news in this economic fiasco, it's this: Main Street stands to eventually benefit from a better regulated Wall Street. With a more transparent financial system, a firmer foundation and a stronger business model, there might be a promising outlook for more stable and consistent growth.

Investment Banking | Resources Of Financing Investments For Elevation Of The Role Of Commercial And Investment Banks

Again about investment financing of the banks. As practice shows, long-termed financing of programs doesn't take place spontaneously, but it means analyzing and control of current activities of the enterprises. For satisfaction of such requests, unfortunately, not every enterprise appeared to be ready. There, where all these requests are satisfied, banks become active participants in processing plans of strategy and financial provision of investment activities of the enterprises.

A special attention is required by such direction of the activities of commercial banks, as project financing is, which, to our mind, requires administration and financial support from the government, we mean the condition, that for effective salvation of investment problems it is necessary to create finance-industrial groups, and holding unions, which, in its turn, represents initial form of forming thick financial capital at the market and confluence of bank capital to the industrial one.1This will give rise to the growth of investment volume in the economy and growth of effectiveness of capital investments. Of course, creation of such unions will be actually supported by commercial banks, but this is interrupted by such condition, that groups created today provide this activity in unregistered form and nobody is interested in their registration. This is supported by incomplete logistic, slow development rates of the institute of private property, interruptions in realization of agrarian reforms, provision of accounting calculations of financial structures in incomplete form and existence of separate statements working opposite to the creation of holding unions in the low about industry. All mentioned above may be solved immediately, by processing special low about investment activity and on the basis of its setting by the parliament in a short period of time.

It must be mentioned, that there are enough conditions for widening financial investments in the economy from the bank side because of the existence of free cash means. It is important, that these financial resources were influxed and to create a system of rational organization of purposeful usage, which must be expressed by processing of the investment policy. Here an important meaning belongs to the investment policy and correct definition of tactics.

What problems are there in front of the banks? It is also to be mentioned, that commercial banks have numbers of problems while realization of their investment activities, which prevent their normal functioning. We mean the banks, working on financing investment projects, in fact, represent only one unit in the system of private institutions. We consider following to be preventing conditions of their activities:

Existence of marketing center of the investment projects, a coordinating organ in the country scale, which would play a function of regulator in the financial provision of the investment projecting;

Unacceptability o the information about position of a potential borrower or investment institution;

Refusal of creation of deposit web;

Low level of development of the investment funds existed today;

Absence of state investment bank, total specific organ of financing investment activity and, consequently, spontaneous distribution of the functions of investment banks working abroad under the conditions of market economics among Georgian commercial banks.

It must be also mentioned, that there are many economical factors, which may influence negatively upon realization of investment processed by the banks and nobody can define beforehand nontransiency of expected risk danger of these factors. Herewith, widening of working sphere in the investment activity of commercial banks objectively requires: giving more independence and rights to the commercial banks, growth of effectiveness of long-term investments and growth of incomes, relatively with those received from short-term financial operations, fastening of this process, ll kinds of supports from the side of the government and finally, further statement of trustfulness and firmness of the activities of banking system.

About necessities of providing structure institutional reforms in the country. For guaranteeing firmness of banking activities structure-institutional reforms, min goal of which is preparation for new stage of development of banking field, come to the first place. Necessity of the mentioned reforms is conditioned by the position of financial market of the country. New institutions, as mentioned in the works of D. Nort " the laureate of Nobel Premium, are formed in the case when the society sees the possibility of making profit, which is impossible during active institutional system. Maximal investment activities of banks are possible during many-fielded system o a financial market. This is a result of logical development of competition, as it solves problems of optimal usage of financial resources. Exactly this many-fielded character reduces and stops crisis in the country.

Many-fielded character of the banking system is characteristic to the most part of developed countries (the USA, countries of western Europe, Japan) and also for the countries having transitional economics, which applied for firm economical growth in the last decimal (China, Poland, Brazil and others). Exactly this many fielded banking system gives possibilities for using various types and forms of financial service in economics by credit department.

In this system the state creates various mechanisms of artificial reduction of competition among financial organizations. An evident example of this is separation of credit institutions into commercial and investment-credit institutions in the USA, also reduction of the bans of countries in the sphere of realization of many year credit investments and separation of state bank into separate category.

About development of small-scale business in Georgia. Creation of advantage regime for small-scaled business, in the first place, regulates creation of competition able outer conditions of the investment activity, which must be definitely foreseen in the activities of the country's banking system. It must also be mentioned, that according to the development and improvement of the economy in the future, perhaps, such activities may not be needed, but under the conditions of transitive economics their importance may not be specially noticed. It is natural, that many-fielded financial sector is formed only under the equal conditions of competition, as there is reason-resulted, reverse-influencing relation. Mentioned relation between many-fielded financial sector and competition is expressed by that it helps creation of advantage regime for the investment activity being in the position of an embryo and its further development.

Briefly about state regulation of the investment process. According to the many-fielded principle of the financial market, the state must work out such a system of regulating investment activity, which guarantees "peaceful" coexistence of various financial institutions notwithstanding their size and specialization. Banks of every category must "act" in their marketing "sphere", while regulation of banks of different levels from the state is stated according to the rules of regulation. Privately, to our mind, it is important to point out and regulate activity spheres of those banks, which use a capital of governmental organs. Under the conditions of many-fielded system of a financial market competition carries "fair" character and this is why such system is much firmer. Privately, in case of many-fielded system, under the conditions of concrete fight, while financing concrete state programs by forming a system of specialized state banks usage of state resources is possible more effectively. In this case objective usage of lobbing of state resources from the side of commercial banks is not allowed. For example, in Germany realization of state projects of ecological, agrarian, building and other fields are provided by specialized commercial banks. There are specialized credits in the banking system of other developed countries (Japan, Italy, France and so on) too. Such practice significantly reduces danger of incorrect usage of state resources under the conditions of competition fight.

One of the most important factors, which degrade effective development of real sector of the economy, is the irrelevance of the needed financial capital for the regional services. Basic volume of financial resources from the enterprises is accumulated in the center. Such situation is in a way justified for the state, but it is absolutely insoluble in relation with the private companies.

According to the various estimations, regional banks control not more, than 20-30% of inflow of financial resources of the regional enterprise, and this seriously degrades development of the local banks and enterprises. Thus, for solving problems about lack of resources for crediting real sector of a small economics of regional banks, question related with it, must be discussed in relation with outflow of financial resources from the region. Solving of these problems by administrative activities is impossible, processing of appropriate economical activities is needed. We mean the condition, that together with the growth of the share of local budgetary tax income, it is important to define responsibilities of the budgets of municipal creations in the development of regional economics. Thus, financial federalism is that necessary condition, which guarantees, from one side, formation of balanced market of financial service, and, from nother, further development of the investment activities on the basis of appropriate legislative base.

What does a financial federalism bring to the financial market? Creation of equal conditions for the competition under the conditions of financial federalism will naturally lead us to the formation of many-fielded system of the financial market. Such process also gives rise to the creation of thick financial centers on the basis of the existed and newly formed banks. Thus, development of regional banks within the bounds of the conception of banking industry development, gives rise to the growth of financial potential o regional economics. At the modern stage conditions of development of bank branch sphere are being widened more and more. Today banks mostly provide sources of basic financial capital inflow in the way of "region-center", after transition to the real federalism many-fielded banks transform into the banks providing sources for financial capital outflow among the regions.

It also must be mentioned, that it is important to grow the importance of banking business, which must be expressed by forming town and country credit relations, mutual crediting and insurance societies, and loan-constructing associations. All these must be foreseen in Georgia in the process of banking system development and, accordingly, an adequate logistic must be prepared for advantage conditions for development of small and middle banking businesses, because formation of effective financial system in the regional scale is absolutely impossible. Therewith, if we take into account the fact, that the investment portfolio in the structure of joint assets of Georgian commercial banks did not overcome 1% for the first of January of 1999, and 4% for the first of January of 2005, this speaks for the tendencies of growing portfolio investments.

Attraction of foreign investments. Globalization and internationalization of the world's industrial relations gives rise to the growth of the role of foreign investments, as financing investment activities.

Essence and types of foreign investments. Foreign investments are hose capital resources, which are taken out of one country and invest abroad in this or that industrial activity, for the purpose of making industrial profit or receiving percents. Foreign investments may be realized in various forms. While analyzing this form we can use distinguished methods of approach for classification of the investments, which men their separation from each-other according to the objects, purposes, terms of investments, forms of property on the investment resources, risks and other signs. Herewith, the necessity of specific of foreign investments defines statement of number of classification features for the investments of this type.

For example, foreign investments may be state, private and combined according to the property forms on the investment resources.

State investments are those resources of state budget, which are directed abroad by decision of the government or inter governmental organizations. These resources may have the face of state resources, credits, grants ot support.

Private (nongovernmental) investments are resources of private investors placed into those objects, which are placed out of the bounds of given country.

They call combined investments joint placement abroad of the resources of the private investors and the government.

According to the character of usage, foreign investments may be industrial and loan.

Industrial investments are direct or indirect ones placed into the business of this or that type for taking some rights for making profit of dividend kind. Loan investments are related with the distribution of resources under the loan condition, for the purpose of receiving percent.

While analyzing foreign investments, apportioning of straight, portfolio and other investments is of a great importance. Movement of foreign investments according to the international currency funds and methodology of the countries' taxation balances are reflected in this section.

Briefly about legislative situation of the foreign investments in Georgia. As shown in the chapters above, "investments" conceptually express long-term placement of the capital of solid quantity for the purpose of making profit. According to the Georgian low "about support and guarantees of the investment activities" investment is considered to be the valuable of every property and intellectual kind or the right, which is invested for the purpose of making possible profit and is used in the industrial activities provided on the Georgian territory. It may lean upon as inner (inside country), so outer (foreign) sources.

Here a great attention is paid to the investment surrounding (climate), which means real conditions existed in the country for the investments. It defines intensive attraction or declining foreign capital for the long-term investments. I.e. according to the concrete condition, investment surrounding may be as advantage, so in advantage, which is foreseen by every investor before making concrete step. Fundamental analyzing of the investment climate existed in the country and foreseeing risk factors are the basic goal f every investor.

Thus, it is definitely difficult to say, is present situation in Georgia good or bad. It would be more correct if we say that there are as advantage (stimulating), so preventing conditions in the country.

Foreign investments in Georgia are prevented by constitution, by the low "about support and guarantees of the investment activities" and by two-side agreement about investment encouragement and protection. Today Georgia has signed agreements with more then 23 countries about mutual support and protection and with 111countries " about avoiding two-side taxation.

Legislative foundations and guarantees of their protection of realization of local and foreign investments in Georgia are defined by the low about guarantees and support of the investment activities, according to which foreign and local investors use equal rights. Privately, while realization of investment and industrial activities rights and guarantees of the foreign investors must not be less then those of the local juridical and physical persons.

According to the same low, physical and juridical person, also international organization, which provide investments in Georgia are considered to be the subject of the investment activity.

It must be mentioned, that after paying taxation and compulsory payments, a foreign investor gains right for unreduced repatriation abroad of the profit received from investments and other cash resources, and this may reduced only on the basis of the low " according to the court decision in case of bankrupting, crime or not fulfillment of civil obligations. Herewith, foreign investor has right to take abroad the property being under his/her property.

Georgian low "about supporting and guarantees of the investment activity". Positive and negative sides. Georgian low "about supporting and guarantees of the investment activity" foresees as preventing and reductions in the sphere of providing investments, also the guarantee of protecting them, which means untouchable character of the investments and compensation in case of taking away investments within the bounds of the mentioned low. The compensation, which is given to the investor in case of taking investments off him/her, must conform to the real market value of the taken investments for that moment, when the taken off takes place. The compensation must be granted without any hamper and it must concern that loss of the investor from the moment of taking off till paying of the compensation mount.

It must be mentioned, that a new legislative act, which somehow worsens conditions of investments stated by this low, isn't spread on already realized investments, ten years after its setting. In such case the investor realizes his/her activity according to the actual low until the new one is put down to the action.

A quarrel between foreign investor and state organ, if the method of its decision is not defined by dual agreement, is solved at Georgian court or in the international center of the investment quarrel. In the case, if the quarrel is not discussed in the international center of investment quarrel, the foreign investors have right to apply for the additional institute of the center or any other international arbitrageur organ, which is founded according to the rules set by the arbitrageur and international agreements of the commission of international trade low of the United Nations. Arbitrageur court of international trade palate in Georgia functions from December 11, in 2000.

According to the statistical showing, the most attractive sectors for the foreign investors were production of oil and gas, energetic, telecommunications and food industry according to the statistic showings during last years. Among largest investors there are such companies as Frontera Resources Corporation (USA), which has invested more then 30 million US dollars into Georgian oil production; Metromedia international " 40 million US dollars of investments in telecommunication; Pernod Ricard (France) " with the investments in alcohol production; AES (USA) " investments in distribution and generation of electro power.

By comparing showings we learn, that according to the hydro energetic potential, Georgia significantly overcomes such countries rich in the so-called "White Coal", as France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Romania and others. Though practically, less then 15% of real possibilities are used, and this gives large perspectives to the foreign investments in Georgia.

The fact is to be mentioned, that the foreign companies are interested in the process of privatization of state property, which is one of the most important part of the realized economical reform in Georgia. The fact, that foreign capital is invested in more then 100 Georgian companies proves this.

For influxing foreign capital into Georgia a positive surrounding is created by the existence of advantage conditions for development of such reduced fields, as oil production, black and colored metallurgy, separate kinds of mechanical engineering, mountain chemical industry, bottling of fresh and mineral water, production of building and decorating materials, tea, wine, fruit, citrus, wool, tobacco, industry of their refining and others.

Though foreign companies provide capital investments into these fields, for example, in agrarian and food industries, but it is provided in a very little quantity.

Factors of disadvantage surrounding in Georgia. Among those factors, which give rise to the disadvantage climate for influxing foreign investments in Georgia following are to be mentioned:

Political strain and not quite seldom facts of lobbing business with unacceptable methods by the representatives of executive and legislative government, this takes away the basis of healthy competition as in common, so among the investors;

Violation of the territorial integrity of the country, ethno conflicts, Not controlling of Abkhazia and South Alania (Smachablo), difficulties with protecting state boards, which spreads widely the door to contraband and prevents growth of risk factors of influxing of as native, so foreign investments;

From the beginning of 90s of last year, analogue to the countries of post soviet space, sharp economical, financial, energetic, food, ecological and other crises developed in Georgia for not ordinal conditions, gave rise to the backwardness of our country's economy for some decimals. It would be enough to say, that a level of whole European product consisted only 36.8% in 1999, compared with 1991. This was the lowest showing in whole post Soviet space. Such destroying of economical functioning, evidently, reduces requests on foreign investments and significantly restricted their influxing;

For the purpose of statement of the level of spreading negative occasions mentioned above and processing appropriate recommendations World Bank and European bank of reconstruction and development provided joint research, where they learned 22 countries having transitional economics. According to these researches they made a conclusion, that a showing of "state obedience" (of corrupting, taking into hands) in these countries consists average 21%. It must be mentioned, that same showing consists 24% in Georgia. What about average level of administrative corruption, it reaches up to 3%, while in Georgia " 4.3%.Iit is natural, that created situation fears foreign investors and prevents influxing of their capital in a large quantity in our countries.

According to the experience of last years, giving state guarantees to the foreign investments is more difficult. Though, if it were easy to achieve, it would not be enough for the foundation, as Georgian state doesn't stand on the firm positions, for making n investor sure in stability of the country. For comparing let's discuss investment surrounding of Czech Republic, privately, that part, according to which investment logistic of the country foresees from April 1998 such scheme of advantages, which concerns taxation, custom and those of definite regions, also, grants for creation working places and so on . According to the mentioned analyze following is cleared out, that equal priorities in using advantages are given as to the foreign investors, so to the local ones. At the same time, if we pay attention to the showing of inflow of straight foreign investments into Czech Republic by years, we'll see, that after the quantity of straight foreign investments had been reduced in 1997 (1300 billion USD) relatively to 1996 (1428 billion USD), in 1998 it was doubled and consisted 2720 billion USD, and in 1999 equaled to 5108 billion USD. One of the stimulating factors of the mentioned progress must be considered involving a system of advantages activated in Czech Republic from 1998.

Unfortunately, there is not a firm system of foreign investments and insurance yet in Georgia, which would significantly help the process of making investment surrounding healthy and inflow of a large amount of investments from abroad.

Factors preventing development of the country economy " significantly wide scales of shadow economics and corruption, so-called distribution of influence spheres by clans, setting of a barrier in this or that spheres of business especially prevent, from one side, development of local business and, from another " influxing of large-scale international investments.

How to use international legislative norms in the Georgian investment activities. Thus, a lot of problems (complex of problems) are formed in the process of attracting and using of foreign investments, and they are regulated by legislative norms.

Whole logistic regulating foreign investments may be grouped in the following way:

1. special norms;

2. total civil norms;

3. norms of international agreement.

To special logistic in the first place belong special logistic and its following acts of quite large quantity.

Civil logistic regulates and conditions relations of foreign capital and enterprises participating with numerous counteragents. We mean various kinds of agreements, questions of representation, researching questions and so on. Thus, civil logistic is used in the case, when regulation of the activities of foreign investors is not provided with the special one, for its tight direction.

Norms of international agreements is the part of the country's legislative system. International agreement gains special importance during international economical relations. Activation of the mentioned norm is basically spread on attracting and usage of foreign investments; following legislative acts belong to this sphere:

1. International dual agreement of mutual protection and encouragement of the investments. Dual agreements of foreign investments are discussed in this sphere as additional guarantees of the norms foreseen in national lows. Capital exporting countries and their investors consider that protection of foreign investment is more effectively solved in the way of inter-protection and encouragement of investments.

2. International two-sided agreement for avoiding double taxation. Such agreement usually defines sources of income " profit and property, which is taxed in the country without any reduction. It is being set, which incomes (profit) and property may be taxed in the country " with some reductions and what source of incomes may be set free from taxations;

3. Many-sided conventions. From those international conventions, which regulate relations related with the investments, two are important " Seoul Convention about stating many-sided agencies of protecting investment guaranties (1985) and Washington Convention about solving quarrels (1965).

Involving of many-sided system of investment guarantees was outrun by creation and development of state system of insuring capital export in the developed countries.

Before making decision about placement of sources by the foreign investor, one of the important conditions is " guarantees of security and protection of capital investments in that country, where investments are inflown, the state takes obligations " to guarantee protecting of foreign property, guarantee of rights and interests of the foreign investor, guarantee privacy of realization of investment activity of the country territory. Thus, under the conditions of strict competition, state forms as much liberal regime for foreign investors as possible.

What difficulties are there in Georgia from the point of attracting foreign investments? Difficulties of definite kind are expressed today in the developing countries and, accordingly, in Georgia in the affair of attracting foreign capital and its effective usage. We my name following reasons for this:

Regulation of the activities of foreign investors is getting difficult with the absence of stabile legislative base;

Worsening of material position of the most part of the country population gives rise o the growth of social tension;

There still are criminal and corruption in some sectors of industrial activities;

Inappropriate level of infrastructure development; also of transport, communications, system of telecommunication, hotel services, roads and so on;

High level of unsteadiness of total politics, privately, instability of logistic and court system;

Absence of joint state investment policy in the business of attracting foreign investments;

Herewith, notwithstanding the difficulties named above, the country owns great potential, what may be the subject for interesting foreign investors. Privately:

Rich and comparatively cheap resort and tourist resources;

A large inner undeveloped market;

Richest reserves of mineral and curing waters;

Comparatively cheap qualified labor force;

Quite high staff of marketing development, which can master new technologies of production successfully and fast;

Absence of serious competition by Georgian producers;

Current process of privatization and possibilities of foreign investors in it;

Possibility for making high profit very fast.

Thus, we can make a conclusion that, compared with the countries of Western Europe, notwithstanding large economical backwardness, Georgia can develop total investment activity comparatively faster, with the help of correct and effective usage of native and foreign investments.

Lamara Qoqiauri

Real member of the Academy of Economical Sciences of Georgia and New-York Academy of Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor

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Fisher Investments | Investment Capital

A capital investment is the acquisition of an asset that is expected to have a long life of use before needing to be replaced or repaired. Two of the most recognizable of the capital investment is land and buildings. However, capital investment is made each time a company buys goods that benefit the operation of the company, but will not be used to cover the operational costs of business.

The funding decision

The achievement of the objectives of corporate finance requires that any corporate investment be financed appropriately.The funding sources are, generically, the capital of the self-generated by the company, as well as debt and equity financing. As above, since both hurdle rate and cash flow (and hence the riskiness of the company) will be affected, the mix of funding may affect the valuation and long-term management. There are two interrelated decisions here:

* Management should identify the "optimal mix" of financing "the capital structure that results in a maximum value (see balance sheet, WACC, Fisher separation theorem;. But see also Modigliani-Miller theorem) . Financing a project through debt results in a liability or obligation that must be repaired, resulting cash flow implications of the independent project 's success rate. Equity financing is less risky in terms of money cash flow commitments, but results in a dilution of public ownership, control and income. The cost of capital is also usually greater than the cost of debt (see CAPM and WACC), and therefore the equity financing may result in a rate cut can more than offset any reduction in the risk of cash flow.

One of the main theories of how firms make their financing decisions is the theory of the hierarchy, suggesting that firms avoid external financing while they have internal financing and prevent the financing of new shares, while they may participate in the financing of new debt at interest rates reasonably low. Another important theory is the Trade-Off Theory in which firms are assumed to trade off tax benefits of debt with bankruptcy costs of debt when making their decisions. An emerging area in finance theory is the right financing for banks and investment companies can improve ROI and business value over time by identifying suitable investment targets, the policy framework, institutional structure, source of financing (debt or equity) and budgetary framework within a given economy and given market conditions. One last theory about this decision is the time to market hypothesis which states that companies are looking for the cheapest type of financing, regardless of their current level of domestic resources, debt and equity.

The main feature of a capital investment is not meeting current minimum value, but the fact that the element is not necessary for the normal expenses associated with daily life or business operations.

Share tips, no doubt a profitable proposal commodity trading, but has its own risk associated with it. But if you can be a bit careful, you can reduce the risk to a significant level, while trade on the NSE and BSE exchanges of the main products of India. The following provides some basic very effective to minimize the risk and help you make good investment returns.

The investment has different meanings in finance and economics. In the financing of investment is putting money into something with the expectation of profit, in-depth analysis has a high degree of safety first, safety and return, within a period of time waiting for contrast. In putting money into something with an expectation of gain without making a thorough analysis, no major safety and security of return is not speculation or gambling

Investing In Bonds | Investment Strategy

An investment strategy is basically a plan to invest their money in various types of investments that will help you reach your financial goals in a period of time. Each type of investment contains individual investments to choose.

Different File Types

The stock market is a type of investment, but contains different types of actions, which contain different companies that you can invest in.
Common Stock is a term you hear very often. Anyone can purchase common stock. regardless of age, income, age or financial situation. Common shares of the property an essential part of the company you are investing in. As the company grows and earns money, the value of their shares rise. On the other hand, if the company does poorly or goes bankrupt, the value of your stock falls. Holders of common shares do not participate in day to day operations of a business, but do have the power to elect the board.

Along with common stock. there are different classes of shares. Different classes of shares of a company are often called Class A and Class B. The first class, A,. Essentially gives the stock owner more votes by the action of the owners of Class B shares The ability to create different classes of shares in a company since 1987. Many investors avoid stock that has more than one class, and the actions that have more than one class does not know the common stock.

The most high level of stock is of course preferred file. Preferred stock isn 't exactly a stock. A blend of action and a bonus. The owner 's preferred stock claims to company assets in case of bankruptcy, and preferred stock holders get the proceeds of a company's earnings before owners of common shares. If you think you may prefer this preferred stock, be aware that the company generally has the right to buy the shares back of own shares and stop paying dividends.

Different types of bonds

Investing in bonds is very safe, and yields are very good. There are four basic types of bonds available and sold through the Government, through corporations, governments, state and local and foreign governments.

The best thing about bonds is that you will receive your initial investment. This makes bonds the perfect investment vehicle for those who are new to investing, or for those that have a low risk tolerance.

The United States Government sells Treasury Bonds through the Treasury Department. You can buy Treasury bonds with maturities ranging from three months to thirty years.

Treasury bonds include Treasury Notes (T-Notes), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), and Treasury bonds. All Treasury bonds are backed by the U.S. government and the tax is only charged on the interest the bonds earn.

Corporate bonds are sold through public securities markets. A corporate bond is essentially a company selling its debt. Corporate bonds usually have high interest rates, but are a little risky. If the company goes belly up, the link is useless.

State and local Governments also sell bonds. Unlike bonds issued by the federal government, these bonds usually have higher interest rates. This is because state and local governments they can go bankrupt - unlike the federal government.

Government Bonds and Local Government are tax-free income - including interest. State and local taxes may be waived. Tax-free municipal bonds are common bonds of state and local government.

Interest may be slightly lower, but again, there is little or no risk involved. For best results, when a bond reaches maturity, reinvest in another bonus.

Hedge Fund | Day Trading Robot Does Really Work?

Even the best day traders out there today, who spend almost every minute of their day trading stocks and learning techniques and stock market trends have bad days sometimes. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, and if you 're day trading are not careful can be a very risky business to enter. However, this is where Day Trading Robot is distinguished from the rest.

Day Trading Robot is two things. The first is the robot itself, where he became a beta tester of this amazing software. The second part is actually a bulletin sent to your e-mail that tells you what stocks to buy, how much to buy and when to sell.

Day Trading Robot The software was designed by Jason Kelly, a senior programmer for a hedge fund. This is not an ordinary thing together in a couple of days by some one in his garage. It 's a stock trading robot automated using artificial intelligence technology, which uses 23 specific patterns to decide what actions are profitable and which aren' t. When a population is one of these specific models, the robot will let you know and tell you what to buy. This technical analysis is not unique to Day Trading Robot, because stock traders, day traders, options traders, and even hedge fund managers use these same techniques to decide where to invest your money. What 's great about Trading Robot is essentially a merchant with a lot of experience doing operations for you, except that the part of human emotions are out of it.

Features Day Trading Robot 's important is that it improves with time, always going to past data and their predictions and make the rules more sophisticated and uses real-world feedback.

One thing I liked about the Trading Robot is how easy it is to set up, that is, if you decide to buy the robot itself and become a beta tester. All you have to do is download the robot, take 5 minutes to install, and that 's about it. 'No return to the left in the cold on how to use it as' re sent a PDF of how to install and can start the day.

You 're probably thinking this all sounds good but does it really work? I can tell you if you did the last 7 trades took the newsletter, which could have turned a small investment of $ 200 to over $ 1.2 million! I know it sounds a little too good to be true, but it 's the truth. That would have had to invest all of its profits each time to do much, however. However, you can imagine how much you can do with this program,? Make things even better, you get to try it for 2 months.

You can try it for 2 months and if it 's what you think, return it for a full refund. If you don 't want to invest right away, you can follow the peaks of your choice for you and see what would happen if you had invested your money.