2011年7月30日 星期六

How To Invest | NFL And The NBA Lockout Lock: How To Invest In Professional Sports Teams

A long-term growth opportunities abound in the sporting goods industry.

- Ben Shepherd, Global ETF benefits

With very weak this morning of June employment report showed an increase in jobs of just 18,000 and an unemployment rate increased to 9.2%, the news that the National Football League (NFL) and National Basketball League (NBA) are involved in crashes player is a national shame.

In the case of the NFL, we have a very profitable company that generates more than enough money for everyone involved, but the owners insist on fighting the multi-billionaire millionaire players on how to allocate $ 9 , 3 billion in revenue. The details of the dispute can be read here, but the conclusion is that both parties are rich and have no problem regardless of the outcome. The situation in the NBA is different because the league would have lost $ 1.5 billion in the last five years, but it is clear that player salaries are the problem. On the contrary, what is clear is that the American public - many of whom are unemployed and losing their homes - are set to be deprived of what little joy left in this world, watching football and basketball television.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not laying all the blame on the owners of the disputes. Block owners are a perfectly legal pressure to enforce collective bargaining situations, as employees have the right to strike. In fact, NFL players lawsuit "claiming that the March 12 block XX

owner was illegal because there was no union player (players had intentionally decertified their union just before closing time) was ridiculous. The U.S. 8th

Circuit Court of Appeals has just described the ridiculous argument of the players was in its decision today in favor of the owners and deny the petition to ban the lock owner.

As I said before, if you can not beat them, join them. Sports owners are making money and investors may also benefit financially.

No professional sports team is publicly traded, so investors can only participate by owning shares of companies that own the teams. Below is a list of companies that either own or professional sports teams are affiliated directly with the owner of the equipment. If you do not want to risk property of the individual firm, which also provide exchange-traded fund (ETF) that takes the brunt of the company's portfolio. You can find the weights in the foundation of any action by going to this website this website ETF or ETF.

The overall benefits of the ETF co-editors of Ben Shepherd and Yiannis Mostrous approach low-cost ETFs and ETN most likely to outperform the global markets - both equity and fixed income - in the future. They are not "index huggers", but trying to beat the market with their decision contrary to the best of industry sectors. In fact, Ben and Yiannis have identified 25 ETFs in a multitude of different industries are in the range of buying at this time.

To find the specific names of all of Ben and Yiannis favorite ETFs, consider the overall benefits of the ETF a try today!

