2011年7月25日 星期一

Stock Exchange | Beginner's Guide To The Bag

Consider the stock market as the market place where dealers and traders meet to trade stocks and other securities. This is also a physical location where brokers and traders can have the facilities and the right tools for the effective issuance and redemption of securities and other financial instruments. Values ??that are being traded in stocks, mutual funds, derivatives, investment products surveyed and bonds. But for these securities that are traded, these values ??must be first determined on a stock exchange.

Speaking of the inclusion of values, there is often a designated place that can be used to record these values. However, in terms of current trade, trade between brokers and managers not just in the physical location rather this can now pass through the Internet. The advance of technology and Internet adoption in effect democratizing trading system and give operators the advantages they need in a speed and lower cost in facilitating transactions.

The stock market is considered by many as the most important component of the stock market is known to perform certain functions for the economy.

The stock market used by corporations and business organizations as a platform to raise funds for expansion or for other purposes. Company's shares are offered to broaden their base and raise capital.
The interchange of mobilizing savings that can be used for investment. If money is used in the stock market, money can be used to benefit a number of sectors of the economy and in the process that will increase growth.
The exchange can be used as a platform for many companies to expand through acquisitions and purchases. You can often hear and read in newspapers about merging companies and take over another company.
Companies listed on stock exchanges are known to improve the registration and management compared with private equity firms since they traded companies are subject to a number of owners. But this is not true in all cases, and as they say for every rule there is an exception. Remember 'Enron' from the 2000s? The company was also included in the stock market and property of many, but still accounting standards undermine the company's unethical.
The stock market opens the small players as the exchange is designed so that a person can buy the number of shares that the trader can afford.
And most importantly, the stock market can also serve as an indicator of whether the economy is good or a bad patch. So don 't be surprised if analysts say the economy is in recession when the stock market is a non-artist or down.

There are twenty major world markets, the New York Stock Exchange tops the list. The New York Stock Exchange as it is called is called the New York Stock Exchange 'and negotiated the largest exchange by dollar volume. All other exchanges are more dispersed in North America, Asia and Europe.

