2011年7月27日 星期三

Investing In Bonds | Investment Strategy

An investment strategy is basically a plan to invest their money in various types of investments that will help you reach your financial goals in a period of time. Each type of investment contains individual investments to choose.

Different File Types

The stock market is a type of investment, but contains different types of actions, which contain different companies that you can invest in.
Common Stock is a term you hear very often. Anyone can purchase common stock. regardless of age, income, age or financial situation. Common shares of the property an essential part of the company you are investing in. As the company grows and earns money, the value of their shares rise. On the other hand, if the company does poorly or goes bankrupt, the value of your stock falls. Holders of common shares do not participate in day to day operations of a business, but do have the power to elect the board.

Along with common stock. there are different classes of shares. Different classes of shares of a company are often called Class A and Class B. The first class, A,. Essentially gives the stock owner more votes by the action of the owners of Class B shares The ability to create different classes of shares in a company since 1987. Many investors avoid stock that has more than one class, and the actions that have more than one class does not know the common stock.

The most high level of stock is of course preferred file. Preferred stock isn 't exactly a stock. A blend of action and a bonus. The owner 's preferred stock claims to company assets in case of bankruptcy, and preferred stock holders get the proceeds of a company's earnings before owners of common shares. If you think you may prefer this preferred stock, be aware that the company generally has the right to buy the shares back of own shares and stop paying dividends.

Different types of bonds

Investing in bonds is very safe, and yields are very good. There are four basic types of bonds available and sold through the Government, through corporations, governments, state and local and foreign governments.

The best thing about bonds is that you will receive your initial investment. This makes bonds the perfect investment vehicle for those who are new to investing, or for those that have a low risk tolerance.

The United States Government sells Treasury Bonds through the Treasury Department. You can buy Treasury bonds with maturities ranging from three months to thirty years.

Treasury bonds include Treasury Notes (T-Notes), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), and Treasury bonds. All Treasury bonds are backed by the U.S. government and the tax is only charged on the interest the bonds earn.

Corporate bonds are sold through public securities markets. A corporate bond is essentially a company selling its debt. Corporate bonds usually have high interest rates, but are a little risky. If the company goes belly up, the link is useless.

State and local Governments also sell bonds. Unlike bonds issued by the federal government, these bonds usually have higher interest rates. This is because state and local governments they can go bankrupt - unlike the federal government.

Government Bonds and Local Government are tax-free income - including interest. State and local taxes may be waived. Tax-free municipal bonds are common bonds of state and local government.

Interest may be slightly lower, but again, there is little or no risk involved. For best results, when a bond reaches maturity, reinvest in another bonus.

