2011年7月27日 星期三

Stocks | Selecting The Right To Buy Shares

Investing in stocks is the right company you can always have if you have the knowledge on which action can be beneficial over time. When I say that investing in stocks, which means an investment plan for the long term. That is, put a constant amount of money in shares in a normal time, just for example, P10, 000 for each quarter.

Investing requires risk because you can not anticipate what will happen in the future. If you know what will happen oon the next day or next week, to be rich in an instant. Anyway, all of us can not anticipate that our investment will bring us to guess. We must have a basis for our investment decisions or criteria that can work to collect what actions will be a better investment.

Selecting a beneficial action involves the evaluation of values ??that can be seen in the number and can provide good returns via dividends. Several features of actions are profitable remember previous:

1. Has Lowest price earnings (P / E)

2. It gives constant and increasing benefits

3. It has a good management

4. That is constantly innovating and extending the gains

5. No debt or small credit

The choice of action was not easy for beginners, as there are actions you can trust in. However, if you can target attention on 2 or 3 actions you can take time to study and decide for yourself if going to be a good stock of relying on the use of financial information that you can take online. You can take my previous recommendations on how to select a beneficial action.

