2011年12月31日 星期六

Investment Banker | 5 Hot Jobs In High Tech

In layman's terms, it simply means setting up the systems we use to communicate and keeping them running. So, when a journalist blogs or an investment banker peruses stocks on the Web, they are relying information technology to ply their respective trades.

Top to Bottom Tech Jobs
Looking for a little more clarification? Here are five IT jobs that span the spectrum from chief executive to help-desk technician.

1.Computer and Information Systems Managers: These tech-savvy managers marry their business skills to technical know-how to plan and carry out a company's overall technology strategy. Not surprisingly, many have a master's degree of business administration that focuses on technology. They make decisions regarding everything from the hardware they purchase to the security of their intranet. Median salaries were $108,070 in 2007.
2.Computer Systems Analysts: Broadly speaking they design and implement a company's technology solutions from the systems to the software. And, they keep all the systems talking to each other. Generally, analysts have a bachelor's degree in disciplines such as computer science, management information systems, or information security. In 2007, analysts' median earnings were $73,090.
3.Database Administrators: Database administrators create and manage data collection systems. Information security is increasingly becoming an important component of this job. Most employers want bachelor's degrees in computer science, information science, or management information systems. Median wages in 2007 were $67,250.
4.Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts: Also known as network architects, they keep the lines of communication open from intranets and the Internet to email and voice mail. Degree requirements are the same as database administrators. Salaries are roughly equal, too, at $68,220.
5.Computer Support Specialists: Technical support for users is essential. Specialists in this area can work for a non-IT company in their support department or for a firm that specializes in supporting other companies in outside industries. Some companies require a bachelor's degree in computing, others accept associate's degrees or certificates and relevant work experience. Median salaries in 2007 were $42,400.

Career Training for IT
Though not quite in its infancy, IT is still an emerging field. As a result, there is no one single formula to gaining entry. But, as you move up, the formula is education. With intense competition for top jobs, master's degrees are becoming increasingly common. Online programs are an attractive alternative, particularly to professionals looking to advance their careers.

Finance Jobs | Make Your Finance Resume Effective And Powerful

Finance resume should be effective, powerful, and impressive. Begin by listing your personal details covering your name, contact details, date of birth, and mailing address. Remember it's a finance resume so don't make it decorative with floral outlines and fancy fonts. Make it simple yet explanative. After the personal details, write the objective or your career goal. This section of the resume will reflect your future dreams, your skills, your credentials, and your power of achieving the best. Explaining all in one small sentence may be tough but still make it short and catchy as well.

Thereafter list your relevant work experience highlighted with the most significant financial skills. List down job responsibilities of each job along with the major projects successfully completed in your previous job. Also include any awards or honors received in your past work experience.

In the section of job history mention as much as possible words and phrases related to finance jobs and use them as your marketing tool. You can mention your area of expertise and use words like strategic planning, auditing, compliance, budget development, financial consultant, acquisition negotiations, working capital, and cash flow management. These are your keywords that become your key strengths is your finance resume and make your resume more powerful.

In the next section of the resume, list your degrees and diplomas. Mention all the financial degrees or certificates that you've achieved. Following that mention all the ancillary like languages known, computer literacy, and a small list of your hobbies and interests. Also mention if possible two or three references from where the recruiter can get the confirmation of your talents and skills. References make your work easy as it helps to enhance your market value.

You can get hold of a good finance job amongst the plentiful of jobs available. The only thing you need to do is build a good finance resume that clearly reflects your capabilities and credentials.

Stock Exchange | New York Stock Exchange History

When the New York Stock Exchange started, it was what is known as a call market; the names of the stocks were called out one after another. This was how it was done. Just before noon people with stock to sell, and others with money to buy, gathered and listened while an officer of the exchange read the name of the first stock on the list. Men who were interested in that stock then bought and sold it. When those transactions were finished the officer read the name of the second stock on the list, and so on until the list was completed.

Gradually the list expanded until reading it, or calling it, was no longer practical. The exchange built a building called a trading floor and in 1871 changed the rules and methods so that trading in all the stocks would go on all the time that the exchange was open.

The method they came up with was, with minor changes, the one in use today. It featured "trading posts" spaced at intervals around the trading floor. Certain stocks were assigned to each trading post. Those interested in buying or selling one of those stocks could seek out that post, find others interested in the same stock, and complete their business.

The hour that trading was to start was changed to 10:00 A.M. The closing hour was set at 3:30 P.M. For the most part those hours have remained the same, the most notable change from this being a period which ended in 1970 when the closing hour was moved forward to shorten the trading day and give brokerage house bookkeeping departments time to cope with the tremendous and unexpected volume of business which had developed.

Thus the NYSE became an auction market instead of a call market, and has remained one ever since. By "auction" is not meant the type of sale where an auctioneer stands in front of a crowd receiving higher and higher bids until no more bids are forthcoming and he "knocks down" the article to the highest bidder. This is the type of auction where men standing around a trading post shout out the prices they are willing to give or to accept for a stock, and by compromise come upon a price satisfactory to both buyer and seller, usually just a little higher than offered and a little lower than asked.

Investment Banker | Get Dear Old Dad "linked In" For Father's Day

I know nothing will ever top - in your mind - the beer hat you bought him when you were 12 or the World's Best Dab coffee mug you made in kindergarten, when you still weren't always batting 100% on that whole confusing difference between 'd' and 'b.' But you've grown up now, and it's really time that you do for dad what you'd expect anyone else to do for you - buy a gift that will make a stylish statement and have meaning for many years to come.

Husbands - about 27% of them, if you talk to my friends - have long known that the gift that keeps giving is jewelry. I know, I know - ties are considered traditional gift fare when Dad's Big Day rolls around, but all your other siblings are going to get him a tie. And then, and when he opens your box last (why, why, why are you always last?), Dad is going to look in the box and say, "Oh, look, another tie."

Really, if that's as far as you are going to go for Pop, just wrap up a new lint brush in festive paper and be done with it.

For me, it wasn't all that hard to figure out what to buy my father for His Big Day. You see, he was a huge fan of the original Rocky movie. Despite the whole underdog battling the big corporate athlete thing, my Dad seemed a bit focused on the names of Rocky's pets - Butkus the dog and Cuff and Link the turtles.

I don't know what it was about those turtles, but my father thought their names were hilarious. After the film was released on a Betamax tape, my father watched it over and over again - in part because there were only about five other movies released on Betamax at that time - and with each viewing, he'd repeat over and over, "Cuff and Link. That's so funny."

So I was putting two and two together, and thanks to the very excellent liberal arts education paid for by my dad, I came up with cufflinks.

Cufflinks on a man are like a great handbag or chic jewelry on a woman. They just complete the outfit. I know guys who wear immaculately tailored suits, handmade shirts, amazing ties, and truly striking shoes, polished to a high shine. All of this effort falls a little flat if there's a button peeking out from the edge of his sleeve, though, because it shows a detail was overlooked. And I don't care of you're an investment banker, an architect, or a suit salesman - you can't overlook details.

Shouldn't Dad feel good about the way he looks? Whether he wears his cufflinks to the office, to religious services, or out to dinner with your oh-so-appreciative mother, isn't Dad worth a little wrist-bling this Father's Day?

Whether you choose a subtle silk knot or classic engravable style, or one that will flaunt to the world his true and undying appreciation for golf or Batman (or the Batman, as it were), there is a style to suit every dad. There are even functional designs - such as those with compasses, clocks, and little tiny levels for those dads who might also enjoy sporting goods, watches, and power tools.

Even if Dad opens your gift last this year, with a great pair of cufflinks, you will be the favored child who gets asked to fetch beers and discuss Tiger Woods while the rest of the sibs are in the kitchen with Mom whining about how unappreciated they are.

Aren't you glad you thought of this?

Let Dad know that you've started a tradition. There also are many handsome storage chests for your father's new present. Buy one, and let him know that you're planning to really rev up his style from time to time with a new pair.

Pretty soon, your father will be subscribing to GQ and buying shirts in a rainbow of colors on which to display his new jewelry - gifts, he'll tell people, from his favorite child, who is obviously do so well.

As for me, I know the exact style for my dad this year - a tiny little pair of sterling silver sea turtles. Go, Rocky, go.

Invest | Great Reasons Why We Should Invest In Gold

1. Gold resists inflation. Gold is the best inflation hedge. Inflation is an economic phenomenon caused by an exaggerated supply of money. When paper money are printed in excess, they lose their value since they are not backed by a commodity. Their value is given only by government regulation. This is not the case of gold. Unlike paper-based currency, gold does not rely on the full faith and credit of the government. Therefore, you can store it and trade it whenever you want to. Despite all challenges, gold retains its purchasing power, even if the real value of most currencies is facing a decline.

2. Gold acts as an economy stabilizer. This precious metal is often used to keep steady the devaluation of stocks and bonds. Gold has the power to protect the value of a portfolio in times of economic and political unrest. It reduces the drive of governments to print money and exacerbate the debt crisis.

3. Gold has historical value. From ancient times, people realized that this rare metal is precious. So, they started to use it as a currency, which gave birth to real trade in many economies. Gold is still used nowadays to define the monetary units of some countries. In the Unites States for instance, a monetary unit is expressed as the number of units of gold per currency.

4. Gold can be easily traded. No matter in what form you buy it, you will always be able to sell gold immediately. This glittering metal is one of the most liquid commodities on market. This unique property of gold is made possible by the increasing demand for this commodity on the market. In consequence, there will always be persons willing to purchase your gold if you want to sell it. Last but not least, it is important to know that the value of gold is not determined by investments. This metal is dependent on its core value which increases every day.

5. Gold is great to diversify your portfolio. If you want to increase your financial portfolio, you should invest in gold. Investors that trade and deal in gold make a lot of money. There are many possibilities to invest in gold. Some of the most common are small gold bars, bullion coins, gold certificates, mutual funds as well as gold mining shares. Irrespective of the form you choose, the investment will surely pay off because gold will always be here.

Mutual Funds | Mutual Funds: Protect Yourself With Segregated Funds

Segregated funds offer the following major benefits that are not offered by the traditional mutual fund.

1. Segregated funds offer a guarantee of principal upon maturity of the fund or upon the death of the investor. Thus, there is a 100 percent guarantee on the investment at maturity or death (this may differ for some funds), minus any withdrawals and management fees - even if the market value of the investment has declined. Most segregated funds have a maturity of 10 years after you initial investment.

2. Segregated funds offer creditor protection. If you go bankrupt, creditors cannot access your segregated fund.

3. Segregated funds avoid estate probate fees upon the death of the investor.

4. Segregated funds have a "freeze option" allowing investors to lock in investment gains and thereby increase their investment guarantee. This can be powerful strategy during volatile capital markets.

Segregated funds also offer the following less important benefits:

1. Segregated funds issue a T3 tax slip each year-end, which reports all gains or losses from purchases and redemptions that were made by the investor. This makes calculating your taxes very easy.

2. Segregated funds can serve as an "in trust account," which is useful if you wish to give money to minor children, but with some strings attached.

3. Segregated funds allocate their annual distributions on the basis of how long an investor has invested in the fund during the year, not on the basis of the number of units outstanding. With mutual funds, an investor can invest in November and immediately incur a large tax bill when a capital gain distribution is declared at year-end.

There has been a lot of marketing and publicity surrounding segregated funds and how much value should be placed on their guarantee of principle protection. In the entire mutual fund universe, there have been only three very aggressive and specialized funds that lost money during any 10-year period since 1980. Thus, the odds of losing money after ten years are extremely low. If you decide you need a guarantee, it can cost as much as 1/2 percent per year in additional fees.

However, with further market volatility these guarantees could be very worthwhile. In addition, most major mutual fund companies also offer segregated funds.

2011年12月29日 星期四

Business Ideas | Retirement Business Ideas " 8 Best Retirement Businesses

Being retired means that you have one huge advantage: Time!

There are many possibilities to explore when considering starting a business. A good place to start when deciding which home-based business to undertake is by taking a look at your interests and hobbies. Listed are 8 easy retirement business ideas for you to plan on:

1.Consultant. Perhaps the best of all worlds, being a consultant allows you to continue working in the field that you know best, setting your own hours and working when and with whom you wish. Plus, you can charge an hourly wage that reflects your experience.
2.Sales. If you're a former sales or marketing professional, then a home-based sales job might be the perfect opportunity for you, since you can draw on your background and skills. Although most sales jobs are commission-based, your contacts and experience could serve you well in a position of this type.
3.Service related jobs. If you know how to sew, do carpentry or plumbing work, are a musical genius or have good computer skills, you could hire yourself out to do odd jobs for friend or neighbors. Altering and tailoring clothes, replacing washers on faucets or teaching a child how to play the piano are all ways to earn extra income while using the practical skills you have honed over the years.
4.Auctioneer. Being an auctioneer is exciting and you'll gain firsthand knowledge of many types of merchandise. If you're outgoing, have a fast tongue and reflexes and have an impeccable background, you could be a superb auctioneer.
5.Balloon Store. It is an easy business. Many florists offer balloon services. If you're talented and specialize in just balloons, it's relatively simple to succeed. Creative people who like to deal with the public should do well with a balloon store.
6.Tutor students. With a growing dissatisfaction of students and parents with the current system of education, there is a sharp growth in the number of kids being home-schooled. If you are strong in a subject that you can teach students, contact your local schools, and home-school groups, and talk to them about tutoring.
7.Try your hand at desktop publishing. Most people own a computer but have no idea how to make a decent presentation. With a good sense of design, and some familiarity with your computer and word processor, all you need is a good quality printer to venture into desktop publishing. Your total expense would be high quality paper for samples of your portfolio.
8.Home Inventory Business. One small business opportunity that clearly stands out is a home inventory service business. A home inventory offers the homeowner protection and peace of mind by providing a detailed record of their personal property to maximize & simplify insurance claims.

You are here because you want to make a serious change in your life. Retirement is a time for fun, but it can also be a time to earn some extra money while doing what you love.

Finance Jobs | Search Jobs In India Online

In India, Companies are recruiting persons for all types of posts. They are recruiting different people for different posts in Companies. There are number of big and small companies that have given huge job opportunities to all young and dynamic executives. BPO sector, IT sector,Real estate sector and home loans sector are also showing steady growth in the industry that helps in the creation of number of jobs in respective fields. Off-shore Companies are allocating their jobs related to customer-care and marketing to call center India that is why BPO services are increasing in India and job opportunities are also flourishing.

Many people want to get placements in Companies in India due to high pay-package and better work-environment. Finance jobs, Business development jobs ,engineering jobs and Sales jobs in India are creating ripples in the job industry due to better industrial performances. Every year number of people are migrating from small towns to large cities in search of jobs and they get suitable jobs in big cities specifically.There are number of job requirements in India created almost every day due to rise in demand of manpower.

One can search jobs through one of the best source and that is online job sites. There are lots of online facilities to search for the valuable jobs. The online sites can really help the job seekers to find excellent career opportunities for long term purpose according to their expectations. India has recovered back from the recession phase, now. People are getting back to jobs after being confined at home for quite long. The job-market is booming again.

Due to the advent of globalization, more and more jobs are being outsourced to India. The trend of outsourcing has brought with it a vast number of job opportunities to India. Various multi-national companies have set up their business in major cities of India. A large number of industries will certainly provide more employment opportunities at various levels in various sectors.

Best Investments | Get The Best Home Builder

By contacting custom home builders, you can find out the exact area where the addition will be most logical, as well as tips on how to make the space everything you need it to be. First prepare a model home. You must decorate the home well to entice the potential clients. Hire an interior designer if you can. The designer will combine the elements and make the home you built look beautiful. The cost of a new home depends on the area and neighborhood that it's in. A home buyer also needs to consider the rate of property tax in certain areas. New homes have to be energy efficient homes that exceed the Energy Star standards set by the new Department of Energy for energy efficiency.

A luxury home builder wants you to be happy with the end result and will listen to your ideas and suggestions to help make that happen. Whenever your Lake County home builder answers your questions, pay close attention. Communication is important, and you want to be certain that your requests are fully understood. If you have plans already made up, be sure to let the home builders see them and have them express their thoughts. Try, if you can, to talk to the actual people who will be completing the job rather than the salesman for the company.

Building a house in any economy can be a risky prospect. Not that a house is anything less than one of the best investments you can possibly make. Homebuilders offer design centers for at least two reasons. One is that the homebuilder wants to offer those searching for a new home to buy the ability to customize a new home based on individual aesthetic preferences. We spent most of the day with the extremely nice looking interior designer and by the next day, I was prepared to attack the first home.

Use a building company you feel comfortable with. You'll be working with them closely over the build, and so you'll need to be able to trust them. The first thing you need to do is spend some time taking a look at some of the previous work from the company. Most reputable building firms have display show homes that you can walk through to get a real idea of what is available.

Financial Advisors | Complete Financial Planning Procedure Explained

-they proffer directions and connotation to vital decisions pertaining to the financial front

-they permit individuals to comprehend how the financial decisions affect other finance related facets of life

-they also permit individuals to become accustomed with changing scenarios of life and secure themselves financially

The intention of financial planning is to organize transactions in such a manner that minimizes tax legally. This aspect is also called tax planning; in contrast tax evasion is the process of employing unlawful methods to eliminate tax provision. This is illegal and is punishable by law. In this article we will discuss about the overall financial planning procedure and how can financial advisors help us.

The first and foremost step of financial planning is to identify relevant financial information about the client which includes the qualitative and quantitative facets of the customer's fiscal and pertinent non-financial state of affairs. Next is the very important step of setting financial goals with the customer. This is a step which is interconnected with the first step and is meant to recognize the aim and intention of customer pertaining to finances and life.

When these two steps are over, financial advisors then analyze the acquired info to determine whether sufficient resources are present to get to the consumer's ambitions and to recognize what those resources are. Basing on the analysis financial planners then construct an effective financial plan which serves as a road map to accomplish the goals of customer wherein there are directions and guidelines to facilitate the achievement.

Once the financial plan is ready it is high time to follow the strategies outlined in the plan rigorously. This stage should be monitored carefully to make sure that customer sticks to the financial plan. The last step is to periodically review and double check for misalignment and changes in the customer's circumstances.

On revelation of any unwanted significant changes in the financial situation of the customer; the financial plans, its steps and strategies are revised accordingly. It is imperative to financially plan your life way ahead in time. The aptitude to have a fiscal plan is imperative in serving the purpose of development from one level of achievement to another.

Investing | Real Estate Investing Clubs

The clubs operate online and offline and are managed by dedicated people who are well versed in the nuances involved. These information generators first identify buyers and sellers from across the globe. The next step involves getting detailed information on the properties - their location, utilities and amenities included and facilities near by and the condition via photographs and 3D images. Then, the managers of the real estate investing clubs have to categorize the information and list the information generated on each property according to priority, with profit being the ultimate goal of each listing.

The online clubs comprise of many such listings and user-friendly forums that enable the members to chat and keep in touch. The real estate investing clubs provide extremely useful information to people around the world who aspire to generate a profit from this industry. The clubs operate in away that both, the novice and expert real estate investor, get ample of opportunities to profit from every transaction closed. The real estate investing clubs provide the industry across the globe with a great and versatile forum to gain more information within a network of reputable contractors, brokers, agents, realtors, lawyers and real estate accountants.

The access to membership to the real estate clubs is easy and available 24x7. Each club offers visitors a form and once you fill it in and agree to the terms and conditions, you are raring to go! The real estate investing clubs make available tips and advice on how to close lucrative deals, strategies and surviving the fluctuations within the industry. These clubs are run by and maintained for the community and prospects all over the world. Being part of a club enables investors all over the world to establish contact with counter parts and strategies being tried and tested within the industry in other parts of the world.

Real estate investing clubs are becoming popular across the globe because of the instant access to information it facilitates and the timely action that can be taken on account of the same. There are a number of industry bigwigs who admit to tapping the potential of the information available within these clubs prior to taking any decision. The real estate investing clubs act as industry resources for sensitive data and a forum for sharing vital information across continents. This has enabled the real estate investment enthusiasts to absorb the best and do away with redundant methodologies still being practiced in some markets.

The clubs allow access to listings, names and addresses of buyers and sellers, latest industry news and reviews, laws and by laws that affect the functionality of the system and the latest strategies adopted in different parts of the world.

2011年12月28日 星期三

Mutual Funds | The 4 Best Advantages Of Investing In Mutual Funds

The first advantage of mutual fund investing it that mutual funds offer professional management of your investment dollars. Mutual funds are run by fund managers, who are essentially watching over your investment daily. There is almost no other place where you get that kind of investment management without paying huge management fees.

The second advantage of mutual fund investing is that mutual funds are extremely liquid. Any investor can sell his shares in a mutual fund any day that the stock market is open. Compare that to investing in real estate, CDs or even stocks that have low trading volume which can takes weeks to months to liquidate your stake. The liquidity of mutual funds gives any investor the ability to get out of the investment quickly if needed.

The third advantage of mutual funds is the diversification that they offer. Mutual funds invest in tens or even hundreds of different stocks, bonds or money markets. Trying to duplicate this type of diversification in your own portfolio would result in very high trading fees, not to mention huge headaches from tying to monitor hundreds of stock positions. This leads us into the fourth advantage of mutual funds, lower fees.

Mutual funds have very low fees due to their ability to take advantage of economies of scale. Since mutual funds are pooling the investment dollars of so many investors they can buy stocks in larger quantities which leads to lower fees for mutual funds investors. Numerous mutual funds have fees that are under 2 or 3%.

Mutual funds are growing at a feverish pace as more and more investors put their money in them. But considering the great advantages that mutual funds offer the average investor all the way up to guy with the multi-million dollar portfolio, it's really no surprise.

Best Investments | Designer Jewelries For Special Occasion

The advent of technology allows you to find products and services within few clicks of your fingers and jewelries are not accepted. There are lots of online jewelry shops that are offering great designs and personalize hand crafted jewelries for your special needs. Designer jewellery shops are now available online too so you will not worry much about where to find the right one. You also don't have to pay for it in cash because some shops are also accepting easy payment terms in the form of credit. Shopping convenience will be within your reach especially now that a lot of people are always thinking about their budget before they spend.

Just like any type of items that can be bought over the internet, jewelries are stylish and trendy items that can also be found in various shops these days. You can also compare prices from one shop to another simply because there are lots of designers that are offering great discounts and savings to those who would like to buy one. Gold and silver jewellery are available at most online shops, you can also have them personalized if you wish too. There are wide varieties of jewelry shops that are offering variety of jewelries you would like to acquire. With online buying, you can be sure that there will be no pushy agents that will offer you jewelries including engagement diamond rings.

You don't have to worry because there are still staffs that will provide you with all the information you need to be able to find the right type of jewelry that is meant for you. It can only be through various jewelry shops where you can find jewelries you are looking for without spending huge amount of cash. They are also open 24/7 so you can shop anytime you want to. You don't need to be always in hurry and you can look for variety of jewelries before you decide which one will be best suitable for the occasion. Buying jewelry is one of the best investments you can ever have in life. Although it may just seem to be a shiny metal, it contains a lot of value. Before you buy one regardless if it is online or at any outdoor shops, you need to make sure that you know what exactly you are looking for.

You need to know where to find reputable firms and who to deal with so there will be no mistakes along the way when you buy one. You might just end up losing your money if you happen to buy with the wrong shop and dealt with the wrong person too. You also need to consider the class of the jewelry since it is also a vital task you need to always keep in mind when buying one. There are lots of places where you can buy nice jewelries but you need to make sure you are buying from a trusted shop so your money and time will all be worthy.

2011年12月27日 星期二

Mutual Funds | Stocks Versus Mutual Funds

1. What is the advantage of a diversified portfolio?

Diversity is good because you will have a greater chance of sucess. With diversity, we have protection against rapid market losses of any one particular stock. If a portfolio is spread across 20 stocks, if any one of those stock. quickly loses value the effect is less than if the portfolio consisted of that one stock by itself.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

When investing it is always a good idea to diversify. The problem for small investors is that they often dont have the funds to buy a variety of stocks. Mutual funds allow small investors to benefit from diversification with a small amount of money.

Besides stocks, mutual funds can be made up of a variety of holdings including bonds and money market instruments. A mutual fund is actually a company and investors that buy into a fund are buying shares of that company. Shares in a mutual fund are bought directly from the fund itself or brokers acting on behalf of the fund. Shares can be redeemed by selling them back to the fund.

Some funds are managed by investment professionals who decide that securities to include in the fund. Non-managed funds are also available. They are usually based on an index such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The fund simply duplicates the holdings of the index it is based on so that if the Dow Jones (for example) rises by 5% the mutual fund based on that index also rises by the same amount. Non-managed funds often perform very well sometimes better than managed funds.

There are downsides to mutual funds. There are usually fees that must be paid no matter how the fund performs, and the individual investor has no say in that securities can be included in the fund. Also, the actual value of a mutual fund share is not known with the same precision as stock. on the stock market.

Mutual funds are often a better choice for the small investor than either stocks or bonds. They offer the diversity that provides cushion against sudden stock market movements and usually provide a greater return than bonds. Of course, mutual funds can also lose value, especially in the short term, so short term investors may be better off with bonds that offer a set rate of return.

There are three main types of mutual funds: money market funds, bond funds and stock funds. Money market funds offer the lowest risk they consist solely of high quality investments such as those issued by the US government and blue chip corporations. Money market funds have rarely lost money, but they pay a low rate of return.

Bond funds aim to produce higher yields than money market funds and therefore carry a correspondingly higher risk. All the risks that are associated with bonds company bankruptcy, falling interest rates also apply to bond funds.

It should be known, however, that stocks still have the greatest potential for profit. The risk is more for short-term holders of mutual funds stocks have traditionally outperformed other investment instruments in the long run. Of course, with this added potential also comes greater levels of risk.

Investing | Real Estate Investing Basics

Learn all you can about the real estate industry. Seek to become an expert in real estate investing. Understand the terminologies used: different lease options, wrap mortgages, short sales and other terminologies used. Don't just seek to know the financial benefits of investing in real estate; seek to understand all the risks involved as well, so that you can know how to minimize the risk.

Know where to find the right kind of sellers. The first place to search is on top real estate investor networking communities. Browse through their sites to find the houses available for sale and the terms. From here, you can talk to a realtor. Your realtor should be experienced and good at making deals. Ask him or her to refer you to two or three brokers. Decide on which among them you will use based on their experience, the options they lay down for you and their ability to get you good financing solutions.

Understand what it takes to get a good deal on property. For instance, an opportunity may arise where you buy a house at a price below the market value. Granted, there has to be a reason behind this, and often, it is because the house is rundown. Calculate how much you would spend on renovations and see what it amounts to when added to the initial cost. Consider other factors such as market value and location to determine whether it is a real deal or not.

Invest in property that is in demand. Buy property that ensures immediate cash flow, whether through leasing or reselling. This is where the money is in real estate investing. Although flipping, or buying a house to renovate with hopes of reselling, can be profitable, you can never be sure. You may end up selling it for much less than the cost of purchase and renovation.

Get a mentor who has been in the business for much longer and has a trail of successful deals behind him or her. They will be able to give you guidance, share their experiences and offer advice on the dos and don'ts of successful business operation.

Work with a team of experienced professionals in the real estate world. Have a good mortgage broker, a real estate attorney, insurance broker, accountant and a marketing representative to take care of advertising.

Hedge Fund | Regulating Hedge Funds

Academics, industry professionals, and regulatory authorities overwhelmingly agree that due to much less regulations, hedge funds benefit the economy by mitigating price downturns, bearing risks that others will not, making securities more liquid, and ferreting out inefficiencies. Compared to mutual funds, hedge funds are less restricted and transparent and they prosper for it.

This reticent nature of hedge funds makes them look suspicious and leads to many apprehensions in the minds of the investors, such as; high price tag and the extravagant amount of money required for their initial purchase makes people think that the investors are being "hood winked" into putting money into these funds. Only ensuring high level of transparency in the working of the hedge fund industry so that an investor knows exactly where his money is going can clear these apprehensions.

The regulation of hedge funds, rather like the funds themselves, is a complex matter. Because of their different properties and practices, hedge funds as a group are best understood from a legal, not economic, perspective, as hedge funds typically are exempt from the registration and disclosure requirements of the financial industry. This results in no official hedge funds statistics with little outside knowledge about their financial movements. This is not helped by hedge funds being based in offshore jurisdictions, making them look even more suspicious.

One solution to this scepticism is to introduce better regulation. This would produce more accountable hedge fund managers in future and the investors would be able to simply research the background of a hedge fund manager before entrusting their money into his or her hands. The result is beneficial for both investor and hedge fund as regulation would produce a safer hedge fund market that would attract a larger number of investors.

2011年12月26日 星期一

Financial Advisor | A Money Matter Requires Special Care And Attention

The trend of market is very volatile one day the daring bull put it on the top while other day bear bring it town to dust. The biggest question that occupies investors concern is where to invest money for safe and high yield. Here an investor requires smart, intelligent and sharp investment advisor. Financial adviser will provide you investment advisory, retirement planning, insurance services and in real estate investment planning. The role of financial advisor is very crucial. Choose your adviser very carefully.

a good financial advisor will offer you advise suiting your need and requirement, unplanned investment could cause loss of money, first decide your goal and objectives of investment and the choose where to invest and how to invest. One wrong decision from your side could create imbalance in your whole financial planning.

Either you choose an independent financial advisor or choose some organization for this task, it is very important to check the credibility of the service provider, check their past record, talk to their clients and discuss all doubts or queries, when you are satisfied with all the answers only then choose your financial advisor.

Investment plans are not static in nature it requires constant review and evaluation and a good advisor will follow the trend of market and will introduce required changes from time to time to make it more beneficial for the investor. The job of financial advisor is not for short span of time it is a long term relationship. Keep in touch with your advisor and discus about the latest happening and updates from time to time and keep a keen eyes on your investment. Your financial advisor could suggest you it is you who decide how to proceed, it is very important to have good bonding and communication with your financial advisor for better outcome.

There are many financial advisors working individually and in organized way choose your investment advisor carefully and see the growth of your hard earned capital.

Stocks | Penny Stocks For You

A penny stock will benefit me when they are bought in small dollar amounts, which in turn makes them easily affordable to everyone. For those of you that don't know penny stock are securities sold on the stock exchange that are less that a dollar for one share. While you learn to buy and sell, you don't suffer a tremendous loss as you begin to learn the ropes.

As you begin to feel more comfortable about the day trading scene, you will realize that you will begin to buy penny stocks in a greater volume. Buying cheap low dollar penny stocks can bring you low to moderate profit and selling. There is nothing wrong with this as what you want to do is to succeed over and over again to make a large end result. Consistancy is what brings the big money. Every day, over and over, steady money means big money.

What I am trying to say is that penny stocks, although cheap in price, can be purchased in mass quantities. This can bring a substantial end result. Tremendous, endless amounts of money have been made and are still being made using the procedure of buying and selling stocks. What you need to keep in mind is not to get greedy. This is where the big mistakes are made and money is lost. It makes no sense to have constant losses simply because you're looking for the big one. There will never be one stock that will make enough to allow you to retire so don't even think about it.

Now keep in mind that if you do the research and you choose your stocks carefully, you will understand that trading penny stocks can be one of the most helpful methods of creating a lot of money and generating wealth fast. With correct direction and a daily routine of finding money making penny stocks, it will be not out of reach for you to become a millionaire. And once you learn the method, the sky is the limit, depending on how high you wish to go.

2011年12月25日 星期日

Investing In Bonds | Bonds - Are They Right For Your Portfolio?

1. Put Your Money First

The final aspect of investing in bonds shouldn't be the qustion as to what you should buy or sell, but rather, how much capital you are going to gain in the form of dividends. Remember, you aren't buying stocks, you are investing. This means you expect a return on your investment.

2. Stocks

If you plan on investing in stocks, a general rule is to hold them for at least 10 years. Stocks will, over this period of time, outperform any other possible investment. Don't even think about real estate, bonds, or commodities, stocks are definately the way to go, and it is not uncommon to see returns of up to or over 10%.

Of course, that is not to say that stocks are always the safest choice. Few investors actually buy stock and hold it for ten or more years. Also, with the exception of mutual funds individuals tend not to invest in stocks in general, but rather in a particular company. Also, even then, times change because new and better technologies come to pass. General Electric no longer makes most of its revenue from light bulbs, for example.

2. Bonds

If youre going to go with a bond, first of all, expect to pay a minimum of $5,000. You will definately want to invest in a bond that is rated AA or higher, and stick to a well known, major brokerage to handle your investment. Even with inflation you can expect to make only 4% profit per year. Of course, 4% of $5,000 is only $200, but over a period of 10 years that turns into $2,000. Of course, in today's economy $2,000 won't even last a month for rent, food, utilties, etc. Even so, bonds have advantages no other instrument enjoys. Since they have a set interest rate and maturity date, their behavior is much more readily predictable, given plausible assumptions about interest rate changes and other economic factors. You can't attribute this kind of reliability to stocks, for example.

3. Currencies Or Commodities

The beginning investor should never engage in trading commodities or currencies, such as FOREX. Don't believe the hype surrounding these investment. - there is a reason why so much money is floating around out there - people are losing it!

4. Real Estate

If you think that the value of real estate is always on the rise, think again. Although a great way to make substantial gains, if you are going to make any real money you have to be able to invest a lot of your capital - more than any other variety of investing. Many simply can't do it part time and try to make it their full time job. Some succeed, many fail.

5. Funds

If you are looking to make some quick cash, funds offer a great alternative to direct investing. Mutual funds, one of the more common types, pool investor money and diversify investment (usually) into a variety of instruments - stocks, bonds, currency, commodities, etc. Investors save money by not incurring a fee for every trade, but pay management fees of one kind or another (usually annual), and those can eat substantially into overall return on your investment.

Investing | Beginning Real Estate Investing

There are several different paths to beginning real estate investing, but I'm going to suggest one simple, easy to follow, step-by step plan that has worked for many investors, and made lots of people wealthy.

When thinking about beginning real estate investing, you need to have a goal. Think about what you want to accomplish, and what you want to get out of your investing activities. Creating a detailed goal plan is half the fun of beginning real estate investing.

Next, look for your local Real Estate Investor's Association (REIA) and start attending their meetings. You should find lots of other folks who are beginning real estate investing, but you should also find many experienced investors. Go out of your way to get to know them all

In the investors group, look for someone you think would make a good mentor. You're looking for someone with experience doing the kind of investing you want to do. Make sure it's not someone who is just beginning real estate investing, but a person with some real experience.

Ask that person to mentor you, and offer to help them in return. Tell them you'll be happy to bring them deals if they'll teach you what to look for. Explain that you may be just beginning real estate investing, but someday soon you'll be in a position to help them if they're patient with you.

At the same time, you should be getting to know others who can help you with beginning real estate investing. People like Realtors, bankers, contractors, and others all can become valuable team members as your investing activities expand. These valuable relationships are just like money in the bank- wait and see!

Last, but certainly not least. Read and study everything you can get your hands on, especially free and low cost information available on the internet. Find a couple of sites that you really like, and spend a lot of time there. Read the authors who have done what you want to do. Of course it helps if you like their writing style.

Follow the steps I've outlined above, and soon you'll be among the ranks of those who call themselves Real Estate Investors.

Now, go make more offers!

Stock Market | How Stock Market Essentials Can Aid Non Experienced Traders ...

Determining one's hazard tolerance requires a number of different things. Firstly, you need to understand how much capital you are willing to use so that you can learn and test out the stock market basics. Being a stock market trader, you need to be familiar with your financial goals and as you devise the plan to satisfy them, bear in mind your tolerance used for risk.

For instance, whether you propose to trade your IRA and you are just 10 years from retirement, your trading style as a stock market trader can be more conservative so that you don't lose your whole life's investments as you acquire stock market essentials. Your strategy to achieve your monetary objectives possibly will have to be aggressive because you have only a limited time to reach it, but you will have to have actions so as to defend your funds. Remember, without wealth, you cannot operate.
On the other hand, if you're youthful and still have no duties, you may think that trading aggressively, and not acquiring solid stock market basics won't matter in the long run. Again, this is a misconception, with no trading capital, you cannot make trades. So despite the fact that you might imagine that you've higher risk tolerance than someone who's in their fifties and close to retirement, this isn't an precise gauge of risk tolerance.

Risk tolerance is a personal topic and I've known many older stock market traders who can trade 100 000 shares without breaking a sweat, while numerous younger stock market traders that can barely breathe once they trade 200 shares.
As a stock market trader of any age you'll have to possess some sort of tolerance for risk. There won't ever be a risk free trade. You can learn to manage this risk. If you are feeling as though you don't have any risk tolerance yet you wish to become a moneymaking stock market trader. Acquire the stock market fundamentals and through education, develop some risk tolerance. Take a small risk everyday.
Realize of course, that your need for a high risk tolerance or your need for a low risk tolerance really has no bearing on how you are feeling concerning risk. Once more, there's a lot on determining your tolerance.

For instance, in case you are involved in a web-based stock trade and you watched the movement of that stock day by day and saw that it had been falling slightly, what would you do?
Would you sell out or would you allow your hard earned dollars ride? If you have a low tolerance for risk, you'll prefer to sell out in case you have a higher tolerance, you would allow your money ride and see what happens. This is not based on what your monetary ambitions are. This tolerance is according to how you are feeling concerning your dollars!

Each stock market trader wants to make a good wage on their capital so as to feel good. But having a very low tolerance to risk, you may overlook great possibilities to profit since you were attached to your capital. As soon as you place an online stock trade, you should accept that a little of that capital could be lost. Even if you understand and can regurgitate stock market basics in your slumber, you will also have to manage your feelings towards your money.

Stock market trading tip: Your risk tolerance is determined by how you are feeling regarding losing money. In order to develop into a profitable stock market trader, you will need to learn to cultivate a tolerance for this likelihood and remember that how much capital you risk when ever you place an online stock trade needs to be an informed decision.

2011年12月24日 星期六

Investment Banker | Look Professional With Personalized Business Stationery

Define your Message

There are generally three types of messages to convey with professional business stationery:

Line of business, industry. You may be a young company or maybe you've been in business 50 years, but your company is not exactly a household name. Define your business with personalized stationery that communicates the industry you are in and what you do. If you are a home builder, you could incorporate a construction motif both in your logo and in the color of the paper and inks. Maybe you are a fashion retailer; communicate that with the use of some fashion-forward colors or an apparel-like graphic element.

Authority, established. You may be the authority in your business or maybe you are trying to become one. Either way, send the clear message that you are a professional, established business with tasteful personalized business stationery. There are a host of classic, minimalist, modern and corporate looks that will make an authority statement. Bottom line, you don't want to be an investment banker sending a business note on your daughter's pink and green polka dot stationery.

Cutting edge, technology, entrepreneurial. Maybe you are looking for an image other than the standard corporate navy blue and gray color palette. Make a statement with a cutting-edge contemporary design that evokes the 21st century. Elements that make a design more contemporary include the use of non-traditional colors or non-traditional placement of your company logo and address. For instance, instead of having your information top and center, have it placed in the lower right hand third of the page. A technology graphic theme also communicates a forward-looking business culture. If you're an entrepreneur who needs to scream energy, go for a bold design with a dark or bright color and create the illusion of movement in your graphic elements.

Design for Consistency

There is more to a coordinated appearance than just placing your logo at the top of the page or in the upper left hand corner of a label. Every design element of every piece of stationery should coordinate to present a polished image that is unmistakably your own. That means the font you choose and size, typestyle and color needs to be consistent. Don't italicize the return address on your mailing envelope when your letterhead uses bold, no italics for your business address. Choose one typeface and stick to it. The major choice is whether to use a serif or sans serif font. Some people think of serif fonts as more traditional and sans serif as more contemporary. Both are equally professional -- what matters most is using the font correctly throughout every piece of your business stationery and communications.

Every time a customer or contact sees a piece of paper from your office, they should immediately recognize that it came from your office. That is what image is all about -- creating an impression and then making certain that every time your company is seen, it fits that message. That means that all of your stationery, from business cards to monthly invoices, carries common design elements. Business stationery includes:

Business and correspondence cards
Both standard company and personalized executive letterhead
Thank-you notes with the company logo
Memo pads and internal routing slips
Envelopes in various sizes
Postcards and promotional mailers
Anything your customers see -- invoices, receipts, shipping labels, etc.

Leverage your Supplier

One of the best ways to ensure that your business image is consistent across your entire suite of office and business stationery is to order it all from the same source. When you source all of your custom business stationery from one supplier, you can be certain of the quality and the consistency of all your stationery products. Make sure your supplier has control of their product quality -- some sellers are really 3rd-party outsourcers who use a different manufacturer or supplier for each job, based on low price. These businesses usually produce spotty quality and inconsistent service at best. Even if they may look like they're saving you a few bucks, it will cost you more in the end. You need someone who is reliable all the time, but perhaps more importantly, able to come through on short notice for the occasional office emergency when somebody forgot to order more envelopes. Some suppliers even offer an online inventory management system that will send you reorder reminders based on your past order history.

Leverage every resource available to your business to build your professional image with personalized business stationery. Personalized stationery is probably the number one thing you can do to present a professional and competent business image to your customers and the public.

Ken Fisher | Transport Management At North Ken

The latter essay is an examination of the transport options available to a company that specializes in organic vegetables and salads. This business was initially a small one, however, following re-investment and expansion in the sector, the company now focuses on production of organic products. There is a need to look at some of the avenues available to the company in terms of vehicle fleet management. Additionally, financial and operational challenges will be examined with strict adherence to the UK vehicle and operator serve agency's rules and regulations.

Opportunities and problems associated with two differing operational scenarios
Herne Organics has the option of either outsourcing or owning their fleet of vehicles for transportation. If the company chooses to outsource this business function, then it stands to benefit from the great experience that the transporting company will have. Since such experts have worked with so many other businesses, then they are likely to develop solutions that are well suited to this company. (Emp, 2007)

If the company chooses to own its fleet of vehicles then they may have to dedicate a lot of finance and time towards running this fleet. By outsourcing, the Kent Limited will be spared from this hustle and bustle.

Outsourcing also, transfers some of the risks that arise out of owning one's fleet. This is usually because of the need to maintain an operational lease. Additionally, vehicles require a lot of maintenance and this eats onto the company's profits. By outsourcing, the company can eradicate this issue.
If the company opts to own its fleet of vehicles, it would have greater control over their transportation functions.

Many external companies may impose undue rules on the number of times that the vehicles may be utilized or the period of duration of the contract. However, all these problems are eradicated whenever a company opts to handle its own transportation problems.

It should also be noted that choosing to outsource the transport function could create a scenario in which there are communication barriers between Kent Limited and the company offering the outsourcing service. If Kent Limited fails to do adequate research about this option, then they may get a company that makes independent decisions without consulting them and this may cause a lot of friction between the two parties. (Fisher, 2004)

However, outsourcing the transport function can also go a long way in reducing certain miscellaneous activities. For instance, drivers will have to be trained by the transport provider rather than by Herne Organics. Also, the company can be spared from insurance costs that come with owning a fleet of vehicles and they can also minimize the risk of getting into accidents since drivers will be well trained and prepared for the tasks that lay ahead of them.

There are a number of dynamics that are going on in the vehicle business environment today that could place Kent at increased risk if they own their own fleet of vehicles. For instance, they may want to resell their vehicles or change them. This can be extremely problematic if that vehicle's value have gone down. Therefore, in such circumstances, the company is likely to lose. It should also be noted that in certain cases when vehicles need repairs, then the fleet management company will be responsible for this rather than Herne organics itself.

It should be noted that one can be fined for infringing any of the terms of the agreement made with the outsourcing company. According to the Vehicle Operator service agency's rules and regulations, businesses need to meet their end of the bargain by sticking to the lease agreement. If this is not done, then the transport management company can impose fines on the offending party.
All in all, since Herne Organics is a relatively small company, it would be advisable for it to consider outsourcing rather than managing their own fleet. This would be more a cost effective measure for a company that has been in operation for long and one that has a much larger acreage under its control.
How to make contact with the new list of customers

In this case, there is need for heightened communication between the company and ist new clients. This will b done through three major channels
Personal communication

The company will need to improve its Telephone management services. This will mean practicing better telephone etiquette and learning how to make the most of a short conversation with the client. Email messaging will be important in assessing consumer needs because they allow for fast and effective communication without creating some of the misunderstandings that arise out of telephone conversation. Lastly, Herne Organics will also use one on one communication with clients in case of complicated issues. When consumers have something they need to address with the company, then it would be most favourable to look for ways of meeting them personally.

In these communication processes, consumers will be asked about some of the things that they value in the product. In other words, they will be asked about what is most important to them in the product. (NPCT, 2004)
In this communication process, consumer will be asked about the most important quantitative aspects too. Besides the later, they will be required to give information about their opinion on Kent Limited in comparison to its competitors in terms of service delivery. This will be baked up by an inquiry into the long term qualities that consumers look for in products.

Types of vehicle needed to transport the apples and pears
There are series of issues that will have to be considered during the transportation process. First of all, there are certain mechanic issues that need to be incorporated in the design of transportation vehicles. In order to ensure that the apples and pears are in good condition, containers carrying the goods will have to be stacked in a systemic way. Consequently, the vehicle needs to have adequate space and installations that will ensure no collapse of the products. Such vehicles ought to have shock absorbers. They also need to have tyres that can operate under low pressure tyres because these will go along way in supporting the products.

On top of the latter, there should be speed governors in the vehicles owing to the fact that moving at quick speeds can maximize jolting and this may damage the products. (Edwards, 2004)

There will be a need for bulk bins to carry the commodities from the farm to the market. This means that care should be taken while loading the product to offer adequate ventilation in the products. Since the product will be delivered to supermarkets, packaging of the products will also need to done uniformly. It should also be convenient in order to facilitate better removal. The following qualities will need to be considered in choosing packaging for the commodities
Plastic crates tend to be preferred to wooden ones because they are cheaper (economical), they alt five times as long as the wooden ones and then are able to protect the vegetable much more than other types of containers.

One of the most important aspects that will have to be accommodated in the transportation vehicles is a cooling system. When the vegetables do not have adequate refrigeration, then chances are that they may be exposed to harmful micro organisms in the atmosphere and this may cause spoilage. Consequently, the fleet of vehicles chosen for transportation will contain refrigeration facilities. (Glenn, 2001)

The refrigeration fcailiaties must be made in such a way that they do not cause vibration of the commodities. If this is the case, then they may cause mechanical damage to the vegetables as they are. The facilities must also be such that they are strong enough to withstand haphazard movement on the road. If collapse occurs, then this could ruin the organic products.

Lastly, vehicles used to transport vegetables must also be designed in such a manner that can facilitate easier cleaning. If left unclean or neglected, the vehicles can become contaminated or they may have a pungent smell. Consequently, this must be put into consideration. All in all, there must be due considerations of temperature octrol and there must also be consideration of the temperature control aspect in vehicle design.

The floors used to make these vehicles need to be very tough and strong. This is because they have to have the ability to withstand strong pressure in case of any instances. The following are illustrations of some vehicles that can be used by Herne organics

How to save money or minimise costs in the transport budget
The first thing that will need to be done to minimise transport cost is to lease rather than own the fleet of vehicles. As discussed earlier, the are a series of issues that can be prevented through this approach.

Diesel fuels costs are some of the primary concerns within any transportation business. This is usually because of the fact that fuel prices have sky rocketed over the past few years. This is also compounded by the frequent fluctuations in availability. Consequently, in order to eradicate this, there will be a need to establish certain ground rules within the company.

For instance, vehicles will only be rented when there are specific deliveries to be made. Additionally, transportation will be done in shifts with specific emphasis on the night shift where there will be less traffic jam and hence less fuel wastage. Drivers will also be instructed about some tips on how to minimise fuel economy; for instance, when waiting on the road, one can save up to twenty percent of their fuel by turning off the engine. Additionally, it will be effective for the company if they conducted frequent maintenance so as to eradicate unnecessary fuel wastage.

Also, good care will be taken to ensure that the vehicle fleet has sound engine systems. (Dransack, 2004)
Driver's pay will be minimized by offering them hourly rather than daily or weekly wages. By doing this, the business will only be paying for services rendered. Also, the company's drivers will be kept at the lowest possible value so as to have the optimum number.

Vehicle repair costs will be reduced by conducting frequent checks on the vehicle. Servicing goes a long way in reducing some of the challenges that arise out of operating one's own vehicle fleet. This is because they capture problems prior to their growth and this eliminates bigger problems. Additionally, drivers will be taught how to drive safely so as to minimise damage to the vehicle.

Cost on staff will also be kept to a minimum through the use of basic staff members. Only those services that are required in the farm will be considered. Also, staff will be required to multitask so that the numbers are kept down.
Vehicle hire costs will be reduced by doing enough homework about the companies with the best offer. Additionally, contracts or agreements made with such companies will be adhered to strictly so as to minimise fines and penalties that arise out of violations of the agreements. (Edwards, 2004)

Distribution patterns

When the company begins operating under the new management, there will be a need to examine some of the new distribution needs that will arise. The company will have to survey the needs and demands specific to this new distribution list as most of them my not be in line with these requirements. Also, care should be taken to ensure that the fleet composition is in line with these distribution patterns.

Two major things are important in distribution patterns
Optimal payload
Vehicle utilisation capacity

The load to be covered in the distribution patterns must be such that it optimizes the available fleet. Additionally, the company must ensure that vehicle capacity is utilised while considering some of the distribution patterns relevant to the company.

Support required for transportation

The current vehicles within the company will not be adequate enough to meet the new requirements for Herne Organics. This is because produce has drastically increased. First of all, the company will require greater number of vehicles of their produce. The exact number will be assessed by the first harvest and how much has been transported in one truck at each instance. Additionally, there must be adequate staff to handle the vehicles. Drivers will possibly be two of them. Additionally, these drivers will need to have sound mechanical knowledge about how to deal; with minor repairs and maintenance practices. When the drivers can do it themselves, them they can prevent undue expenses. (March, 2007)

The management of a new fleet of vehicles requires adoption of external solutions to meet the requirements of specific firms consequently. Care should be taken to ensure that requirements are made in the process.
Emp, R. (2007): Cities and Cars; a handbook of best practices; McFarland Co.
March, J. (2007): A guidebook for performance based planning; National Academy Press
Fisher, I. (2004); British Public Glossary; McMillan
Glenn, P. (2001): Glossary of transit terminology; Public Transit Association
Dransack, P. (2004): transport planning and research; Prentice Hall
Edwards, H. (2004): Urban transportation planning; Palgrave
NPCT(2004): transportation management; Environmental Design Journal, 2, 34, 68

Investing In Bonds | Online Trading: Different Types Of Bonds

The greatest thing about bonds is that you will get your initial investment back. This makes bonds the perfect investment vehicle for those who are new to investing, or for those who have a low risk tolerance.

The United States Government sells Treasury Bonds through the Treasury Department. You can purchase Treasury Bonds with maturity dates ranging from three months to thirty years.

Treasury bonds include Treasury Notes (T-Notes), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), and Treasury Bonds. All Treasury bonds are backed by the United States Government, and tax is only charged on the interest that the bonds earn.

Corporate bonds are sold through public securities markets. A corporate bond is essentially a company selling its debt. Corporate bonds usually have high interest rates, but they are a bit risky. If the company goes belly-up, the bond is worthless.

State and local Governments also sell bonds. Unlike bonds issued by the federal government, these bonds usually have higher interest rates. This is because State and Local Governments can indeed go bankrupt - unlike the federal government.

State and Local Government bonds are free from income taxes - even on the interest. State and local taxes may also be waived. Tax-free Municipal Bonds are common State and Local Government Bonds.

Purchasing foreign bonds is actually very difficult, and is often done as part of a mutual fund. It is often very risky to invest in foreign countries. The safest type of bond to buy is one that is issued by the US Government.

The interest may be a bit lower, but again, there is little or no risk involved. For best results, when a bond reaches maturity, reinvest it into another bond.

2011年12月23日 星期五

Best Investments | Designer Jewelries For Special Occasion

The advent of technology allows you to find products and services within few clicks of your fingers and jewelries are not accepted. There are lots of online jewelry shops that are offering great designs and personalize hand crafted jewelries for your special needs. Designer jewellery shops are now available online too so you will not worry much about where to find the right one. You also don't have to pay for it in cash because some shops are also accepting easy payment terms in the form of credit. Shopping convenience will be within your reach especially now that a lot of people are always thinking about their budget before they spend.

Just like any type of items that can be bought over the internet, jewelries are stylish and trendy items that can also be found in various shops these days. You can also compare prices from one shop to another simply because there are lots of designers that are offering great discounts and savings to those who would like to buy one. Gold and silver jewellery are available at most online shops, you can also have them personalized if you wish too. There are wide varieties of jewelry shops that are offering variety of jewelries you would like to acquire. With online buying, you can be sure that there will be no pushy agents that will offer you jewelries including engagement diamond rings.

You don't have to worry because there are still staffs that will provide you with all the information you need to be able to find the right type of jewelry that is meant for you. It can only be through various jewelry shops where you can find jewelries you are looking for without spending huge amount of cash. They are also open 24/7 so you can shop anytime you want to. You don't need to be always in hurry and you can look for variety of jewelries before you decide which one will be best suitable for the occasion. Buying jewelry is one of the best investments you can ever have in life. Although it may just seem to be a shiny metal, it contains a lot of value. Before you buy one regardless if it is online or at any outdoor shops, you need to make sure that you know what exactly you are looking for.

You need to know where to find reputable firms and who to deal with so there will be no mistakes along the way when you buy one. You might just end up losing your money if you happen to buy with the wrong shop and dealt with the wrong person too. You also need to consider the class of the jewelry since it is also a vital task you need to always keep in mind when buying one. There are lots of places where you can buy nice jewelries but you need to make sure you are buying from a trusted shop so your money and time will all be worthy.

Investment Banker | How To Get Private Equity Loan Providers For Real Estate

1) What's in it for me?
2) Return of private placement
3) Reducing Threat
4) Experience and Credibility
5) Trust

The very first essential thing is to answer the question within the thoughts from the private money lender: "What's in it for me?". The solution to that question is in part to tell the private money lender how much profit (s)he's heading to make. Nevertheless, it isn't about cash alone-especially for very wealthy equity partners (aka angel investors).
With for sophisticated, you aren't the first loan that they're considering - so wouldn't be important to immediately convince the investor in the value of what you might be undertaking? "
The very best method to do that is to tell them a tale in regards to the "reason why" of your respective equity funding.

For instance it is possible to say:, "You know Steve, I know you've been listening to a great deal concerning the housing debacle and you've probably heard that some people today are generating massive profits purchasing up real property. Have you ever believed that you'd desire to participate in it - but lack the information or the anxiety in regards to the chance kept you away?
Would it make you a lot more probably to make investments in case you had a real estate investor with an experienced group that also has unique and proprietary software program that objectively quantifies the threat of any real estate equity funding - and supplies extraordinary returns while minimizing the downside?

Let me tell to you how we accomplish it

In other words, describe in terms that the private investment banker can realize (no trade jargon!) what the positive aspects are TO Her or him (not the added benefits for you!)!!!
What are these positive aspects. They may very well be:
1) Minimizing chance - with all the damaging news about real property acquisition this can be one thing that it's completely necessary to handle at some point. In other words to tell the possible private money lender how your strategies avoid the widespread pitfalls of existing property acquisition private placements.
2) Experience or reputation of you and your company
3) A one of a kind approach or possibly a proprietary method or instrument that offers you an edge over other prospective property acquisition private placements.

The uniqueness may be the "sizzle", that has to go along the private money lender has to go together with the "steak" (the return on investment)!!! Something unique may be software that permits you to objectively evaluate the chance and return for complex transactions. Or it could be the strategies you employ to uncover projects that you can get at a big low cost and sell for any revenue. (We have many this kind of tools that investors can use - see the resource box)!!!

It truly is most vital for your talk to private money lenders to be able to instantly deliver the "What's in it for Me" story to acquire their interest. Without it, they will not stay all-around, or keep interested long enough to listen to the remainder of what you've to say.

Hedge Fund | Ron Pollack: Fund Manager, Family Man, Friend. Ron Pollack: He's ...

After a chance meeting with this man, you probably would have no idea that he had organized one of the biggest and most successful hedge funds in America. At its peak, the fund was valued at more than one billion dollars. Ron Pollack sat in his Florida office dressed in Florida casual--shorts and a T-shirt. He told us about his job as a hedge fund manager and short seller. He also shared details about his family, the charities he has been involved it, and the reason for coming out of a 6-year retirement to manage funds again. Ron says that "short selling is what I do and I need to get back to doing it."

Ron Pollack is an alumni of Yale (Magna Cum Laude) and earned a M.B.A and J.D. from Harvard. After grad school, Pollack turned to stocks where he joined the ranks of many of his classmates in investment banking and fine tuning his skill as a hedge fund manager. Ron first learned short selling from the Feshbach Brothers.

Both Yale and Harvard seem to have a penchant for turning out successful investors: Jim Chanos (widely credited with exposing Enron as a fraud, and who Ron got to know back in the 1980s when they were both short First Executive Life), Zoe Cruz (a brilliant commodity trader who rose to the co-presidency of Morgan Stanley, a sectionmate of Ron's at HBS), Jamie Dinan (CEO of JP Morgan Chase, who Ron used to play pick-up basketball with at HBS), Strauss Zelnick (media wunderkind and Chairman of ZelnickMedia and Take-Two Interactive, Ron's roommate at Harvard), Scott Schoen and Scott Sperling (co-presidents of leveraged buyout giant THL, and friends of Ron from Harvard), Steve Pagliuca and John Bekenstein (of Bain Capital, friends of Ron from HBS and Yale respectively), Glenn Hutchins (of Silverlake Partners, also a Harvard classmate), to name just a few. Pollack, both a Yale and Harvard graduate, is no exception. After leaving Feshbach in the early 1990s, Pollack built a highly successful family of hedge funds; the most well-known was his short fund, appropriately named Dancing Bear. But towards the end of 2001, Pollack started to a look how he could spend more time with his growing family and helping charities.

"After the terrorist attack on 9/11," Pollack said, "I was moved by what had happened and I really wanted to help." The financial markets went into turmoil, and stayed that way, in the months following the attack. Ron felt pulled between his family and his investment business. In November, Ron was on vacation with his three children and his pregnant wife, sitting in a hotel room with his laptop watching the markets. The markets were just crazy and he realized that he had to get back to the office.

On the way back, a he hatched a plan that would not only give him time to spend with his family but also to give back more to society and help with the charities he was passionate about. In 2002, Ron merged his hedge fund business with the Monitor Group in Cambridge, MA. This allowed him to have more time for activities that he loved to do outdoors, volunteer work and spending more times with his kids. He also set up fund-raisers aimed at giving aid to ailing firefighters and law enforcement. Many groups were started because of him.

In his fund-raising role, he sometimes found himself visiting fund managers. Whenever this happened, he became somewhat torn because he had quit trading and he missed being involved. In all the time he served as a volunteer, Pollack actually made only a single trade.