2011年12月8日 星期四

Investment Banker | Best Ira Rescue Plan (roth Ira On Roids): Not A Traditional Ira Or ...

Roth IRA on Roids is like a savings account deposited with an insurance company, rather than a commercial bank, such as Bank of America. It's an improved wealth-building tool. The purpose is to grow your retirement nest egg without taxation and be able to withdraw your savings tax-free, in your sunset years. The benefits of the Roth IRA on Roids wealth building tool are that it acts like a Roth IRA but with:

1) No contribution limitations tied to your earned income, marital status, or if you have another pension plan in your business or with your employer.

i) Both, the Traditional IRA and the Roth IRA's are limited to $5,000 or $6,000 if you're over the age of 50. With Roth IRA on Roids you can contribute $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $200,000 or more. The only qualification is that you must be healthy.

ii) With Roth IRA on Roids there are NO earned income, marital status limitations, or age limitations.

2) No arly withdrawals penalties or sur-tax based on your age 59 1/2 or forced distributions after your age 70 1/2. You decide when to begin withdrawals from your savings, without restrictions. Of course the longer you delay your retirement, the better the numbers.

3) No risk of loss with the violent ups and downs of the stock market, the real estate market, commodity market, or any other market. Your principal is guaranteed by the insurance company with a minimum guaranteed tax-free return on your deposit.

In 2008 did you lose money in the market with your Traditional IRA or Roth IRA? Are you afraid to put your money back in the market? With Roth IRA on ROIDS you get a guaranteed tax-free minimum return of 2 percent, and typical but not guaranteed annual tax-free returns of 5 to 9 percent, translating equivalent taxable returns of 8 to 15 percent assuming a 40 percent tax rate.

How does this work? Is the Roth IRA on Roids legal?

Absolutely. The Roth IRA on Roids works because your savings account is deposited with an insurance company, rather than a commercial bank, such as Bank of America.

This savings account is technically "wrapped" by an insurance policy. Insurance companies do not pay income or capital gains taxes on insurance policy returns - and neither will you. As a bonus of having your savings account wrapped by an insurance policy, you get a death benefit included at no additional cost.

1) Roth IRA on Roids is a tax-free wealth building savings account wrapped in a life insurance policy. If you die prematurely, your family will receive a death benefit.

i) Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs will never own a life insurance policy; it's one of the restrictions. Roth IRA on Roids has no limitations. In fact, it's a savings account wrapped inside a life insurance policy designed for tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals.

Example: At age 52, Dr. Smith contributes to his wealth building Roth IRA on Roids $50,000 for 7 years, for a total $350,000. Beginning his age 65 Dr. Smith begins to withdraw $30,455 per year for 35 years or a total $1,065,925. His death benefit beginning at age 52 to his age 65 is $1,249,976 then is steadily reduced by his withdrawal of $30,455 representing his policy loans against his death benefit.

IRA conversion: My Accountant has been talking to me about converting my Traditional IRA to a ROTH, can I use Roth IRA on Roids as the alternative tool?

Yes. If your accountant, financial planner, investment advisor, lawyer, or other professional advisor has discussed converting your IRA money or other "qualified" retirement money to a Roth IRA by paying the tax now and repositioning to a Roth IRA, you should strongly consider the third tax-free bucket, wealth building tool Roth on Roids.

1) Roth IRA on Roids has all the similarities of a Roth IRA without the restrictions.

2) Contributions are after tax, tax-free growth, tax-free distribution, and can be passed on tax-free of inheritance taxes.

3) Noteworthy difference between a Roth IRA and Roth on Roids™: Death benefit. (You cannot buy life insurance within a Traditional IRA and a ROTH IRA).

How much does it cost to set the Roth IRA on Roids savings account up?
There are no fees associated with the Roth on Roids.

How can I finance a Roth IRA on Roids the third bucket wealth-building tool

1) Cash or investment dollars.

2) By repositioning your home equity.

i) You borrow from your equity to reposition other people's money by buying the third bucket.

3) By repositioning your Commercial Real Estate Equity.

4) If you have lost your money in the stock-market? Is it fair to say that you are scared to invest in the stock market today? You can strategically place some of your money in the third bucket by eliminating the risk of losing your money. Risk management by allocating amongst classes of assets.

5) If your tax adviser, investment banker, financial planner, or other professional is talking to you about conversion to a Roth IRA by paying the tax now and reinvesting in a Roth IRA, our third bucket is the better way to go. Our third bucket, accelerated strategy of Roth IRA on Roids is NOT under the control of IRS mandated restrictions.

