2011年12月4日 星期日

Stock Market | 6 Tips For Investing In The Stock Market

6 - Do not Put All Your Money in the Same Stock!

The idea is quite logical. If you invest all your money into shares of the same company and one day that company has serious financial problems or, at worst, go bankrupt, all your savings will be gone. That's why successful investors say we should not ever put all our eggs in one basket. Because if we let that basket fall, it's over.

5 - Don't Diversify Like Crazy!

Moreover, those who purchase several different stocks may think they are following a safe path but they're actually just trying to avoid big losses. There's no problem at all in trying to avoid losses, but this is done by choosing good stocks of great companies. But those investors who own 30 different stocks will never be rich because as an asset gets more value ion time, another loses it's value. So you will never lose anything but never gain anything either. Therefore, don't diversify too much, just a little is better.

4 - Be patient!

Sometimes you will want to invest but won't be able to find any good investment opportunity. At these times you have to be patient and sit still. Those who buy shares just because they feel bored, usually lose money. Remember, there are times to buy, times to sell short and of course, times to go fishing.

3 - Ignore Market Analysts!

There are some people who consider themselves investors only because they take guesses. They do not study the stock market, they do not know how to invest in the stock market and generally don't have the slightest idea of what they are doing. Because they're too lazy to study, they decide to follow investing advice from people who know even less than them. So if you want to become a successful investor, learn to invest for yourself, do your own homework, do not accept guesses and try to avoid them.

2 - Focus on the Long Term!

When some investors start losing their money, the first reaction they have is to be afraid, "Ohhh, will I lose everything? This is it? It's over?. Then they sell their shares due to a bad week. They forget that their analysis indicates that the stock might be a great investment a few years down the road. So if you're investing, focus on the long term. A company does not cease to be worth more or less because their stocks were in the red for a few days, but those who think so... yes, always lose money.

1 - Admit When You Are Wrong!

It's possible that some of our investment. do not work as expected. Eventually we may lose money or earn close to nothing. However, a competent investor will recognize when he is wrong and quit their bad investment. If you invested in a stock because the company would launch a revolutionary product but that product ended up being a failure, do not argue with the facts and just sell!

To succeed in the stock market, an investor needs to admit when he made a mistake. So just be humble about your (temporary) failure and move on to another investment. Remember, you don't need to be right 100% of times to get rich in the stock market. But you really need to be 100% right about being wrong and be able to realize that fast ;)

