2011年12月8日 星期四

Invest | Investing For Beginners, Invest In Stocks, Stock Market Introduction

You want to invest in order to have a better life. It's relatively painless, and the rewards are great. By investing in the stock market, you'll have a lot more money for things like retirement, education, recreation . Whether you're starting from the begining or have a few thousand dollars saved, Invest-my-money will help get you going on the road to financial well-being.

Who knows you can maybe become autonomus and do this for living...

You have a Goal !
What are you saving for? Retirement? College for the children's? A new LCD telivision with a home theatre system? A retirement villa near the beach?

For exemple you take $2,000 from your saving accounts and invest it into the stock market. If your money returned 10% a year (the S&P 500's historical average), two thousands would be worth $34,898.80 after 30 years. That might not get you the perfect villa on the beah, but it will at least give you a down payment.

Maybe you don't have $2,000 in your saving account, but perhaps you can afford to invest your coffee money. Two coffe every day and you just get away $4 a day, 250 days a year. It's not much, but if you're in your early 20s, you've got the investor's best ally on your side - time. If you invest $1,000 once a year in an investment that averages a 10% annual return - the average annual stock market return since 1926 - it'll grow to more than $1 million after 46 years, which is right around the time you'll be ready to retire.

Of course, as you get older and get a better job , you should be able to put away more to invest. Upping the ante to just $166 a month - which is probably less than lunch money plus what you pay for cable TV - would put you at the million-dollar mark in just 39 years.

