2011年12月12日 星期一

Hedge Funds | Investment: Types Of Managed Funds

Geared Funds

Geared funds are an investment alternative to a margin loan in a brokerage account and they are an attractive investment alternative to many investors. Geared funds often offer the investor a lower fee than a margin account, no margin calls which are attractive for more volatile portfolios, and no need to provide collateral or to pledge the underlying investment as security. Geared funds are generally recommended only for investors who have an aggressive risk tolerance level as they tend to display high volatility.

Property Trusts

Property trusts allow an investor to buy shares in a professionally managed portfolio of real estate without actually purchasing the property. An investor will potentially profit from the property value increases over time, will generally receive annual dividend checks and will receive a portion of the generated property rental income. Common properties that will be included in a property trust include retail buildings or spaces, warehouses, office buildings and entertainment complexes. Some property trusts are focused on a specific industry sector while others focus on geographic regions. Property trusts are typically recommended for investors who are seeking income and portfolio stability, potentially nearing or already in retirement. They can also provide a stability asset class for all investor types.

Capital Guaranteed Funds

This type of managed fund is one where the financial institution guarantees the investor that they will not lose their initial capital investment. These investment. are best for investors who have a 6-10 year time frame before they will need access to their funds. A variety of techniques are implemented to protect capital such as puts and calls on the underlying investments.

Hedge Funds

Hedge funds have been growing in popularity in Australia, and while there is not a specific definition for a hedge fund, they are generally managed funds that leverage a variety of investment techniques to provide their investors with a specified target level of return. Hedge funds are typically recommended for investors with a moderately aggressive to aggressive personal risk tolerance level, although they can be suitable to investors of all risk tolerance levels.

Each of these managed fund options is appropriate for certain investors based on their investment objectives, time frames and personal risk tolerance. Managed funds will continue to gain popularity in markets around the world for their flexibility, professional management and opportunity to build a diversified portfolio. This article is provided as information only and is not advice. Investors should consult their financial professional before making any personal financial decisions about their investment portfolio.

