2011年12月7日 星期三

Invest | Why You Should Invest In Silver Not Stocks

From the year 1980 to 2000 you had massive gains in the stock market particulary tech stocks that made a lot of money for a bunch of investors. During this same period gold and silver experienced a sever bear market caused by the central banks around the world selling their huge stockpiles onto the market especially silver. During this time gold went from $850/oz to $250/oz and silver went from $50/oz to $3/oz. The stock market bubble officially popped in 2000 causing the dumb money investors to once again lose money while the smart money sold their stocks a couple of years earlier and moved into the commodities sector such as oil, gold, and silver.

So you ask why should I invest my currency in silver? Let me give you a few reasons. First, since 2000 if you would have invested your currency into gold you would have seen a 190% return on your money. If you would have invested your money into silver you would have seen a 240% return on your money compared to just a 35% gain on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Secondly, we are in another precious metal bull market, which some experts say will last for a couple of decades just like the last stock market bull run.

Thirdly, with the U.S. government bailing out every business that they deem too big too fail. Giving these Wall Street companies billions of tax payers dollars that has to be printed out of thin air becuase we are bankrupt, leads to inflation and a lot of it. Gold and Silver are a hedge against inflation, which is why they have been rising since the turn of the century and they will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

Lastly, the United States is 10 Trillion Dollars in debt and with unfunded liabilities such as Social Security and Medicare the total U.S. debt is actually 52 Trillion dollars. The entire U.S. GDP is 13 Trillion annually, so how can the we ever expect to pay our bills to our creditors? Like all empires throughout history that used fiat currency the dollar will collapse and become worthless while gold and silver skyrocket to the moon. Those left holding dollars will cry and weep saying, "Why Did I Not Invest In Silver?"

