2011年11月28日 星期一

Best Investments | Is Foreign Exchange Trading The Best Investment Out There?

To say that one financial instrument is the best investment over the rest is as much a risky business as investing itself. For one investor, stocks may be the best investment there is. Another investor might only stick to property investments as his ideal. For yet another investor, forex may be the holy grail of investing. This is only to illustrate that when it comes to financial investing, the most applicable maxim would be to each his own.

But from the point of view of an outsider, no single investment program can ever claim to be the best. There are several reasons for this and we will attempt to enumerate them in the following part.

All investments carry risks. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, properties, forex - you name them and they have it. Any form of capital investment includes the risk of loss. Investing is always a gamble; you hope to gain based on what most other investors would consider sound financial parameters.

Some investment advisors would say that certain investment instruments carry more risks than others. That is however only one side of the coin. The other side points to an individual investors risk tolerance or the level of one's acceptance for the possibility of financial loss. Therefore, while all investments do have risks, people's risk tolerance vary such that for some low risk investments are their cup of tea but others would consider high risk programs as the best investments.

Taking forex again as an example, the foreign exchange market is highly volatile which accounts for many novice investors' failure in it. Still, investors who can stomach such losses and are financially able to continue to play the currency trading game will at some point find success. The same analogy should hold true for other form of investments.

Flexibility of FX investments. With investments, flexibility may refer to a number of different things not all of which are related to each other. Flexibility in capital requirement is one; having flexibility in terms of liquidity is another. Forex investments are said to have both. But not only that - FX trading is also flexible insofar as trading hours is concerned due to the global scope of the FX market.

Now these things may seem to be advantages for FX investments, however there are also cons opposite these pros. Flexibility may also be perceived as inconsistency of the market to produce wanted results, which again points to the high volatility of the FX market.

In conclusion, forex is just like any other investment with its particular downsides and upsides. Claiming that it is the best investment is purely a subjective opinion and should not be the basis for making a decision to dive into FX investments.

