2011年11月9日 星期三

How To Invest | When And How To Invest In Best Mens Suit

It is a must for men to own at least a pair of suit in his wardrobe. Surprises may happen along the way without our knowing. Now, how many suits do exactly men needs?
The answer is it depends upon the man's profession. Businessmen and those who works in the office needs to have 5 suits to wear everyday but the right formula in having mens suit is seven. To have other two suits back up in case something happen to the other two.

Tips in investing in best mens suit:

Killer mens suit against mediocre suit awareness is the key to a wise investment. Expensive suits do not really speak for its quality. As the saying goes "Do not judge the book by its cover" which we often do. Choosing can be tricky and difficult especially for a newbie.

Be wise when it comes to price. Search for a fully canvassed suit. If you do not know what fully canvas is where you see little stitches once you flip the lapel. It gives shape and not all brand names suit has it.

Next, search for clean finishing. Great quality mens suit has stitching that is not too tight reinforced packets and pick stitching details to have a cleaner finish. Be sure to check the fabric too. You can distinguish suits with great fabric by taking a handful of the sleeve and ball it up tight. If it bounces right back with every little wrinkling, then that mens suit possessed great fabric.

Invest for it once you already own minimum number of suits. I know it may somehow take you for years in investing for killer suits but rest assured that these ones are those who last for years when properly care.

