2011年11月28日 星期一

Business Ideas | Best Home Business Ideas - Brewing A Pot Of Business Ideas, Want A ...

The scams are hard to spot because the scammers model them after legitimate business models and ideas, and tend to make them look good. These ideas often get bad images because of the way they have negative light cast on them because of a scammer.

How Do I Tell The Difference Between A Legitimate Home Business Idea, and a Scam?

There are no "tell tale" signs that flash like a neon sign to tell you that something is a scam versus being legitimate and honest. What you need to do is utilize the tools at your disposal and do a little digging. Use the internet and look up every last piece of information on the person, and the business or site they are promoting. Chances are there is feedback of some type and you will be able to read how other people have been treated. If there is a lack of feedback, see what kind of systems they have in place to ensure your safety. See if they are requiring up front money before they do anything, or if they are going to help you out for a commission.

Just because something asks for money, is not a tell tale sign something is dishonest, but if they demand larger amounts of money, and it just seems shady. Like asking for money and not telling you what you are getting in return, or asking for money and offering 6 figure salary returns on your small investment. Things like this should set off a few bells in your head, and if they do then ask questions! If a business or person what's you to become a member or customer, they will happily answer your questions. Another thing to look for is the communication, if they will not answer questions before you pay them, well you need to look elsewhere. Any legitimate and reliable business will happily answer the customers of potential customers. The worst mistake you can make is if just thinking you are being over cautious and not asking the questions that you have. Always make sure you are comfortable with something, do not let other people force you into something you do not like!

