2011年11月4日 星期五

Financial Advisors | For Financial Advisors: A Little Used Marketing Tool With Outsized ...

In my opinion this strategy is so effective for financial advisors because it melts negatives likes these:

-- Prospects may know next to nothing about you and need to ease into a relationship.

-- They may worry about being slammed by a crushing sales pitch.

-- They may have had a bad experience with someone providing a similar service.

And the list goes on . . .

But suppose you offered something that introduces you and your services with no risk for your prospects! Simply, you showcased your personality and your expertise in one stroke while sitting comfortably at your desk.

One of our favorites is the complimentary teleseminar.

> Why Teleseminars?

We focus on teleseminars for three reasons:

1) Because they are easy to carry out,
2) Because they are super-convenient for your prospects, and
3) Because teleseminars can be free (look at www.freeconferencecall.com)

Now let's see about designing this marketing tool for maximum results for financial advisors.

> The Hanson Big 5 Tips For Getting The Most From Your Teleseminars

* Big Tip 1 - Rigorously Hold To Your Schedule

Whether it is a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis -- keep it in front of you as a marketing tool you're committed to.

* Big Tip 2 - Give Your Telseminar Series A Title That Sets You Apart

The name should capture what you do. Ours, for example, could be the Stand Out From The Pack Series. A financial advisor's could be The Wealth Management Center or The Secure Retirement Hub.

* Big Tip 3 - Talk About Topics That Are Gnawing At Your Prospects

An appropriate general title for your teleseminars keeps the door wide open for a multitude of subjects. That means each week you can present a new on-topic teleseminar and, of course, open it up to questions and answers.

A question, by the way, can develop into a full-blown subject for the next teleseminar and you can invite everyone on the spot.

Also, you don't have to be the only star of the show. You can invite complementary specialists and interview them. The KEY is to provide value - to help listeners solve their toughest problems

And yes, over time, you'll have a library of topics, and you can repeat.

* Big Tip 4 - Invite The Right People - Whether Few Or Many

Your invitation list doesn't need to be long - just a handful of prospects is fine. Or even an audience of one.

Sales consultant Chris Mullins ingeniously uses teleseminars as the keystone of her sales process. She may be talking to a prospect on Wednesday. Once she learns what his or her big issue is, she can say, "I'm giving a teleseminar on that topic on Friday. Please join me." Then, that troubling issue becomes the main subject for her teleseminar that week.

You may be collecting names from your website in addition to prospects from referrals and networking activities. You can invite them all to your teleseminars, too.

Consider inviting your clients. Certain topics may be just right for your clients and serve to deepen your relationship.

As a financial advisor, you may not, though, have Chris Mullins' flexibility. Your teleseminar script may require approval by compliance, and that means you do have to plan ahead.

* Big Tip 5 - Have A Follow Up Strategy

Many financial advisors stop too soon. The teleseminar provides an opening to move your prospects along. You can send an email reminding them of the opportunity to get the transcript or to listen to the recording.

Or you can follow up with a short phone call or leave a message for them.

The good feelings from a teleseminar well done (always providing value) carry over when you contact your prospects again. In addition, providing teleseminars on a schedule always keeps you in front of your prospects. A big advantage in an overcrowded, overmarketed field!

