2011年11月5日 星期六

Hedge Fund | Hedge Fund Jobs Hiring Trends Spring 2008

If you are looking for a good hedge fund job then look for firms that are very nimble and fluid in their market focus and deal flow. You want to work for a firm that is able to identify great deals, take a position and then modify their position quickly to take advantage of variations in the overall market. If you are well educated with the right degree, like lots of risk, can think fast on your feet and are very analytical then a hedge fund job will be a great fit for you!

Hedge Fund Jobs with Larger Firms

Many of the larger hedge funds are still adding experienced people as they are still deploying new investment strategies and need people to help them manage these deals. But, they are in many cases receiving more inquiries from hedge fund job candidates so know going in that your competition for these hedge fund jobs may be much strong then with smaller or boutique types of firms.

We believe that roles in diverse areas such as accounting, compliance and operations have and will continue to be strong for the next few years. And, most importantly, the ongoing institutionalization of hedge funds has ensured that the demand for infrastructure roles will continue to be strong moving forward.

Hedge Fund Jobs via Smaller Firms

Smaller hedge fund firms by their nature have much smaller staffing needs than their bigger counterparts; but, these firms also have a need to hire experienced hedge fund candidates. And, like the larger hedge fund firms, these smaller firms are looking for individual contributors and team players who have back office experience so they can build out their infrastructure to enable them to compete with the larger hedge funds for good deals/opportunities.

There is added value to you as a hedge fund candidate who is contemplating joining a smaller firm - in many cases these smaller firms may offer you equity, especially if you are experienced, which will increase your overall hedge fund job compensation significantly.

Even in these turbulent times, we are seeing many new hedge funds being launched each year, which increases the needs for hedge fund candidates moving forward!

