2011年10月22日 星期六

Hedge Fund | Discover Recently Launched Hedge Funds And Those Who Had Managed To Leave

Blackstone Group LP plans to raise up to $ 2 billion for two new hedge funds, according to recent reports, the Blackstone Strategic Alliance Fund LP and Blackstone Strategic Alliance Offshore Fund Ltd. In addition, according to a report, the Rothschild Group made its hedge fund of funds tax efficient for UK investors by launching a version of preferred share of the funds. The Nimrod law Linked Fund equity fund launched in preferred stock in exchange Channel Islands at the end of last month. Finally, Integra Investment Management announced the launch of its new hedge fund, the Integra FX2 Master Fund LP, of which $ 10 million dollars of his own money into the launch, the new hedge fund opened its doors in in April 2007.

G Square Asset Management Group has partnered with hedge fund provider VanthedgePoint Group II for the purchase of a minority stake of 10% and launched a fund of hedge funds comprised solely of its customers, emerging manager.

Ritchie Capital Management Hedge Fund as part of a plan of liquidation, is selling a significant portion of its assets in the Multi-Strategy Fund for $ 1 billion to New York City-based Reservoir Capital Group. Ritchie Capital, which oversees about 2.8 billion, including money borrowed to liquidate its Global multi-strategy and return cash to investors. The company told investors that the flagship of Ritchie Capital Management multi-strategy hedge fund had about $ 730 million in assets in mid-2006.

Petter Hoffstrom, CFO of Scandinavian hedge fund of funds Amanda Capital PLC announced that several of its investment companies were sold, generating a cash flow of over 1 million euros ($ 1.3 million) for Amanda. Amanda Capital Group is a leading private equity investment. Its parent company (Amanda Capital PLC) is the first publicly traded private equity hedge fund capital in Scandinavia. The company has investment. in 24 different private equity funds and three funds of funds managed by Amanda. It is one of the largest Finland 's private enterprises equity investment management. In addition to its own investments, Amanda manages several portfolios of private equity funds that are under consulting agreements.

Amanda also manages five private equity hedge fund capital, which have several domestic and international investors. Amanda Group currently has over 1.3 billion euros ($ 1.7 billion) in assets under management and has invested in over 100 private equity funds in Europe, America, Asia and Russia.

