2011年10月31日 星期一

Hedge Fund | Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Forex Trader?

Many people actually make a full time living as a forex trader where that full time living for many of them is much better than a job they might have taken in corporate America. It is difficult to say how many people do this full time as a primary source of income, but it is safe to say that it is less than the number of stock traders or mutual fund traders. Probably the only investment group that is smaller would be hedge fund investors.

For the most part, forex traders are typically large international banks as well as some large corporations. Although forex trading can be extremely lucrative, private consumers make up only about an estimated 2% of the whole forex market traders.

But it is growing rapidly, especially with the Internet and the ability to keep tabs on what is going on worldwide in the forex market in almost real time via your Internet connection. That being the case, more and more private citizens are learning forex and making their own fortunes with that wealth of information readily at hand. Most of these start out as day traders while retaining their regular full time job, but as they get more familiar with it and recognize the trend lines that can act as a forex signal, more and more are also leaving their regular jobs to become full time forex traders.

Being a forex trader is not an easy job and you need to make sure you have the motivation and the guts for it. It becomes, actually, almost more than a full time job since you need to keep up with rapidly changing political, social, financial, and other economic news from various countries, and learn how to interpret the news into what it means for the currency trends and conditions. But as you get more familiar with it and start making some successful trades, you learn what it takes and the rewards can be handsome indeed.

You might actually consider becoming a forex broker, but for those with the real passion to make huge amounts of money, and for those same people who seem to thrive on a constantly changing environment which can dictate currency trends, the real money is actually in being a forex trader yourself. Forex is so much different from the stock market, where a bad day on the stock market can wipe out your investments, but with forex, a bad day in one country probably means a good day in a half dozen other countries, and if you saw that trend coming with the constant stream of news you are watching, that bad day in one country can signal big profits for you.

Being a forex trader is not an easy task by any means, but for those who thrive on a fast paced environment with constantly changing conditions, this would be an ideal job, and as you learn to interpret the masses of data correctly, it can also be hugely rewarding from a financial perspective.

