2011年10月25日 星期二

Investment Calculator | What Is The Annuity Calculator?

An annuity or annuities calculator calculator is a useful device to help a calculation of how the future value of a savings and investment. It could even be used to determine the amount of one 's pension fund that is worth an annual income' s retirement, how much the balance of a decline in investment in time and amount of payment fixed it receives from a particular investment over time.

In financial terms, the annuity is a series of fixed payments invested for a specific period or time and can be classified by payment dates. The buyer of the annuity, called the annuitant, is given by the insurance company a stream of payments over time. There are many different types of annuity contracts could be elected and all of them are complex, but provide benefits to the annuity income for life.

An example of this type of annuity includes mortgage payments, insurance payments and savings deposits. Moreover, such payments or deposits made in a given period of time, such as weekly, monthly or yearly. Annuity calculators are often used to calculate growth and annuity payments, such as determining the value of an ordinary annuity (also called mid-life annuity) made at the end of a period of time or interval.

Already a number of these calculators annuity available through Internet, and each has its own means and formulas to calculate the annuity is designed. Here are some that are available online and how each one:

Deferred annuity calculator

This calculator is designed to determine a final balance of fixed and variable annuities, which accumulate gains over time that could be removed in the future. The compounds of deferred annuity calculator balance over the specified time of the contract until the end and determines the final account balance based on the following factors: initial investment. additional contributions a year, term of the contract, and perhaps the inflation adjustment.

Immediate annuity calculator

This calculator is used to determine regular outings in the payment of immediate annuities, fixed, or for life. This type of annuity begins to pay within a year the contract is purchased, and would last until the initial investment + interest has expired. Immediate annuity calculators to determine how much and how big is the periodic payment is based on how long you wish to receive, how often these payments would be, and how much the retiree had invested at the beginning of the contract.

Index Annuity Calculator

This type of calculator is used to index the annuity, which is similar to the deferred annuity, but uses a model of accumulation. Income Calculator Index makes historical back-testing, which enables one to see how well an index annuity would fare in the market many years ago. Calculations and market index tracking are performed using annual reset, watermark, or point to point basis.

Anyone interested in knowing their pay outs or any other variable annuity equation could try to use a pension calculator to solve their problems.

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