2011年10月22日 星期六

Home Business Opportunities | Work From Home Business Opportunity - Three Ways To Lead Online ...

What are the best ways to generate leads for home based business? Recently, we heard an excellent rating in a seminar presented by Ken Cobb Business next level. We summarized in the following paragraphs, in general, three main forms:

1. Paid methods - Within this classification, there are generally three main methods, including ezine articles, banner advertising and pay per click (PPC). PPC includes, of course, Google Adwords, and the other and produces the main source of revenue for search engine companies. The banners have been reduced in recent years. The banners are paid the most popular spots, occupied sites, where payment is usually based on impressions vs. clicks. Ezine ads are an excellent way out of their products and / or message service to many subscribers already interested? In your particular niche.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - SEO is becoming very popular as it is advertising without paying and also produces better quality cables. SEO requires a significant investment of time and resources, whether done in-house or contracted, however. In SEO, the main methods used are blogs, article marketing and press releases.
3. Closed Social Network - Everyone knows and most have new membership sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Internet marketers have discovered and are very effective use of Facebook, which is not only a popular social network to spend time to reconnect with old friends .. Similarly, Twitter is not just micro-blogging, but very effective in promoting online content to generate leads. Similarly, LinkedIn initially focused on networking from 9-5 jobs is now a great way to generate new contacts and sales opportunities.

The online generation of potential customers in a work at home business opportunity has many similarities with more traditional methods of sale, unless automated tools provides extensive possibilities of new never before available. Internet marketers should be careful about the misuse of these powerful tools and adhere to generally accepted standards of Internet etiquette.

For example, the days are more than simply blasting your ad business to thousands or even millions of unsuspecting recipients whose email addresses have been "harvested" online. Inexperienced marketers quickly realize this, find your domain or e-mail account suspended. Spam filtering is now very effective against marketing tactics once viable e-mail.

Spam filtering is in effect for the three current methods of online lead generation as well, whether paid, SEO, or close social network. For example, a seller inexperience can join a social network and immediately begin sending your links related to products and services. This is the fastest way to lose friends and fall in line groups on the planet. Marketing training and education is essential as more and more fans start using the Internet to generate leads for your work from home business opportunities.

