2011年10月22日 星期六

Stock Exchange | The Basics Of Stock Trading To Make Money To Buy Stocks And Shares

The idea of ??trading is basically the buying and selling shares to people or companies through brokers. Through the purchase of a piece of the action or part of the property in a specific company, a person can benefit and make money but the company that invests in fair market force.

There are two basic ways in which the stock market works - on the floor of the stock market, where buying and selling is done more traditional and electronic, where the technology on the trading game.

Trading on the floor

The trade that occurs in the more traditional trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is actually what most of us have become accustomed to seeing in movies and on television. Basically, the NYSE consists of many agents that speak to the people offers to trade stocks.

As chaotic as the floor of the stock market may seem, is not really a common pattern that occurs among most simple operations. First, an order to buy a certain number of shares will be traded through a broker. After this, the department of the broker 's to forward this arrangement to their floor clerk on the exchange. The floor clerk then notify operators of the company 's soil to be able to find other traders who are willing to sell the same number of shares of the company that offers to be bought. After both parties agree on a price and close the deal, the message is transmitted back up the line, and the broker will inform the interested buyer on the final price.

Negotiations can take a couple of minutes or even more depending on the overall performance of the stocks and the market. For more complex operations and larger orders of stocks however, may be a more complicated, but basically the main facts remain the same.


A growing trend today however, is trading stocks electronically, which is done through advanced digital systems. Unlike the NYSE, which generally operates through labor brokers, its counterpart, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ), the populations of entire operations through electronic means.

These electronic markets resign with human stockbrokers and instead make use of advanced computer networks to check the buyers and sellers. And through this method, transactions are usually faster and more efficient.

Through electronic commerce, investors get many benefits such as being able to get faster confirmations, as well as facilitating control by having online investing readily available through the World Wide Web. However, brokers basically still manage trades, as investors don 't have direct access to electronic markets.

The procedure is performed in both methods, however, is usually hidden from investors. Usually, if you're a buyer, a call from his agent and periodic reports on their investments in shares are provided for you, but you 'do not actually get to see exactly what is happening behind the scenes.

Through the investments that people make, many companies remain profitable and running. And in return, the investors get a fair share of benefits. Trading can be a complex process, but at the end of the day, many people basically get it all. Consequently, the whole concept becomes simple.

