2011年8月6日 星期六

Best Investments | Add Juice To Your List Of Heartburn Remedies Home

I had an experience recently bulb. You know, one of the moments when something has been there all the time soon comes to mind. Two issues I have written extensively on the intersection suddenly a wonderful way. How could I have missed possibly the site of the acidic juices of the home remedies listed? In fact, juice could be the natural choice for more sensitive and effective in controlling heartburn and reflux.

My wife and I have been squeezed for some time and recently co-wrote a book on the subject. I have also written numerous articles on the reflux of heartburn and acid, but only Do not 't make the connection. In fact, in my research for heartburn remedies juice was never mentioned. But in reality, it should be.

To stop heartburn and all its related symptoms that we have to reduce production of stomach acid. Moreover, for our body to make the best use of the nutrients we consume our body must maintain a proper acid alkaline balance. Experts suggest that we should strive for a balance 60/40 for maintaining good health. That is, 60% alkaline and acid 40%. To improve our health the alkaline level should be around 80%. Unfortunately, most of us have the balance percentages exact opposite of what they have to be.

To achieve adequate alkaline-acid balance should eat foods high in alkaline. In general, alkaline forming foods include most fruits, green vegetables, peas, lentils, spices, herbs and spices, seeds and nuts. By contrast, the acid forming foods include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cereals and legumes. Again, I'm talking in general terms, because there are exceptions to these lists simplified.

Note the second (acid production) group. The typical American diet consists of meat, eggs and grains that we rely so heavily on the percentage of acid. Such a diet is actually a breeding ground for poor health as a result of stress, toxic overload and immune system deficiencies that depriving cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body in turn tries to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not provide enough minerals to compensate then acid accumulates in cells that contribute to poor health.

No wonder so many of us suffer from heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux. Our diet is demand. Consequently, the only way to control the problem, of course, is to change the way whatand eat.

Those in search of remedies for heartburn home are trying to prevent pharmaceuticals and, if you're among them, who deserve a pat on the back. It 'sa smart thing to do. However, this type of thinking is really a bandaid approach to solve the problem. No doubt you can get the relief they seek, but that's not all the problem and promote healing. That's why we recommend juice as a natural solution for heartburn and acid reflux control.

When the juice contains high alkaline fruits and vegetables you are giving your body the mega-dose of the best food possible. Not only will it help solve the problem of heartburn, but will also bring health problems under control. You are doing everything possible so that your body does what it was designed for himself doheal.

I encourage you to look into the benefits of juicing. You will be amazed what you can accomplish in your life. Juice will introduce more enzymes in your body which will result in better digestion and reduces symptoms of heartburn.

Here are a couple of recipes of juices of energy that will help you get long term relief of heartburn:

Buster tropical acidity
2 mangos
1 papaya
1 guava
Remove skin, seeds / pits before juicing. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which is ideal for controlling heartburn.

Apple Cranberry Delight
2 cups blueberries
1 apple
Wash berries thoroughly, remove the mother and apple juice. Doesn 't be easier than this.

Finally, a note on the juice machines: If you've never squeezed before that date may not know that a juicer is completely different from a juicer. They are different machines with different functions. Therefore, add juice to your list of heartburn remedies at home needs a pressing machine. Believe me, it will be one of the best investments I've made to your health.

