2011年8月23日 星期二

Invest | Its Portfolio Of Creativity: How To Invest Wisely And Watch Your ...

Years ago, the investment options in the financial world were quite limited and the best way to save and invest your hard earned money was reduced to a choice between a few different types of bank account, buying a property through a mortgage, or simple, all, filling all their spare money in an old suitcase under your bed!

Now, however, the options are far more varied. You can have a savings account for collective investment, a pension of Mutual Funds, Foreign ownership, guaranteed Investment Bonds, Personal Equity Plan, shares, the list goes on and on

It can be a full time job just keeping up with everything, getting the best of the AER ISA, check your ICVC in the FT and ensure that the funds in your GPP don 't suddenly go AWOL!

Fortunately, our creative life, this is much easier to handle. In short, if we want to be very creative and always make our sources of creativity, we must invest in them wisely.

Here are some of the ways we do this and ensure that our personnel "Portfolio Creativity" remains healthy and flourishing -

Invest time - Time is the only investment that can only 't afford the luxury of not caring. If you do not spend time in creation, "we will not create anything, it 's as simple as that. Invest 15 minutes every day, every day, to sit up, if' s writing in a journal, draw, brainstorming or other creative activity within a month you'll have formed a habit that will serve their creativity more than anything else you can do. 15 minutes is the absolute minimum, extend it to 30 or 60 to further increase profits.

Fresh stimulation - A creative mind is a curious mind, always hungry for new ideas and new sources of stimulation. By feeding the hungry, we invest in our creativity, providing the raw materials it needs to grow and evolve constantly in new interesting directions. Reading books, visiting new places, meet new people, try new activities are great ways to do this.

Relaxation / Contemplation - We all can benefit our creative life to have regular periods to relax and let your mind drift freely. Whether this works better through meditation, yoga, tai chi, or just lying on your back in a field of observation of nature gently pass over and around, the time off from hectic bustle of our daily routine allows our thoughts to rest, stroll, mingle and evolve. Often, some of the best moments of creative inspiration hit us when 're just sit back and daydream.

Diverse creative expression - writing Writers, painters painting, dance dancers. That 's the way it is right? Evil to be as creative as you can experience and learn to express their creativity in many ways as possible, even if you only publish or perform publicly in a chosen medium. Treat certain forms of creative expression that are naturally complementary, or mixed thoroughly and salsa dancing, cooking, singing the Gospel and spontaneous writing. All at once!

A final rule to remember - If we invest in, encourage and nurture our creativity, which is literally a bottomless pit, an endless supply. Don 't be afraid to keep taking it. The more you invest in it in the forms mentioned above and anyone else who wants to prove, "will get many many times. So start investing today!

