2011年8月21日 星期日

Stock Market | Commonly Used To Familiarize The Stock Market Terminology

The stock market and foreign exchange markets are an ideal setting for people to do a lot of money, however, for many beginners, all the hustle and bustle of the trading of shares can cause great confusion, especially if you are familiar with many terms and tactics for negotiations.

If you are a beginner in the stocks game, make sure you familiarize and educate yourself and knowledge of stock trading. You can, of course, begin by expanding their vocabulary. Here are some terms you may need to familiarize:

Stocks are probably the most important and common traded on the stock market. These are actually shares of certain companies that can sell and exchange.

Whenever people buy a share of stock of a particular company, this means acquiring an ownership interest and investment in that business. Through this, a shareholder gives the company certain rights as a vote at meetings of shareholders and their company's financial portion of the profits' s.

A stockbroker is a person who is responsible for the actual marketing of the population. He or she does the negotiations to buy and sell shares on behalf of investors and the companies involved. The many different types of agents can include all services, online trade in automobiles and discount brokers.

Bull market

A bull market is a market that manifests a continuous increase in the value of their shares, and steady growth. Usually, this type of market, investors gain an optimistic attitude and may want to buy more shares instead of selling.

Bear Market

Down markets, mainly characterize significant losses and declines in a particular market. With this type of behavior among stocks, most investors in general who want to sell more of its shares and may be pessimistic about investing.

Dividends are added or bonus payments given to shareholders after a profitable quarter. With this money, many people can reinvest in more shares, allowing people to earn as much.

Futures and shares, also traded on the market. However, these are purchased with the future costs of raw materials. You can earn from them, if at the time, the real price of commodities rise more than what you paid for the future. On the other hand, you can also lose money if the price falls below what you paid.

Day Trader

A day trader is the person who buys and sells stocks aggressively in one day. Usually, he or she does so several times a day to make a good profit within some small time.

Bank to invest in

Foreign exchange on margin may be similar to trading stocks using borrowed money. With this, you can buy shares only part of the price. The remaining cost can be paid to the actual sale of the particular action or at a later date.

These terms are just some of the most used language in stock trading. And to meet them, you can certainly get the impression of how intimidating the stock market can get. With the many complicated terminology tactics, you can easily get reversed if we do not know enough about what we're trying.

Remember that if you are new to doing business in this field, make sure you make an extra effort to learn more about more terms, as well as strategies on how you can maximize profit. A little hard work will certainly go a long way, and one of these days you will notice how all this can bear fruit.

