2011年8月20日 星期六

Stock Market | Learning To Read Penny Stock Market Quotes

The stock market can be can be very intimidating to the novice investor, especially in times of high volatility. Learn basic skills in the bag of money, for example, how to read stock market quotes is very important. This is because once you have this basic skill, it will be much easier and quicker to understand the more complex aspects of trading in penny stocks. At the time you finish this article, you'll learn how to read stock market charts, especially if you are a beginner in the trade.

The first thing to do is find a good website where you can find free stock chart. Sites like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, marketwatch.com, etc. No registration is required stockCharts.com to access these tables in stock. The value table book helps you predict the future of a penny in particular, and have a clear idea of ??market trends.

OHLC Charts are the common type of free stock charts. OHLC simply means open, high, lower graph, Close. OHLC The table is divided into two - the vanilla and the candlestick chart. These tables contain the following basic information:
The time frame could be in months, days, hours or even minutes.
The highs and lows of the day,
The story of the volume of the shares.
The opening and closing prices.

Understanding the value lists:

1. The volume bar

The population size is indicated by two vertical lines in tables. One is at the bottom and the other is a little above it. There is often a line at the bottom of the table corresponding to the last. The bottom bar is the volume of stock. in a given time.

2. The high and low value of the indicator

The bar (vertical) at the top of the volume bar indicates the high and low. The top bar is the high value and lower the bar is the low value.

3. The opening and closing marker

Some stock trading charts have bars short and stout, with a thin line on the inside. This is called thin line fuse or tail. This is where the candle stick name is derived. The thin line or wick represents the high and low values, as explained above. The line of fat, which also resembles a short bar that covers the thin line, indicating the opening and closing values. To differentiate outside of closing, the bar is shaded. If filled with black (or red in some websites), the close was lower than the open, so that indicates upper body opening and closing marks the bottom. If the body is full of white (or green in some places) the closure was higher than the open, so the top shows the closing point and the background is outdoors. The shadows are fine lines that extend above and below the body to show the range between the day 's high and low.

However, if a file opened and closed at the same price, there would be no body because there is no change in the price. You will notice that there are different types of stock charts. Some are on the line or bar charts, but once you understand the basics, you will be able to use the data they provide.

