2011年8月4日 星期四

Stock Exchange | Nigeria Stock Exchange

The Nigeria Stock Exchange came into being as the Lagos Stock Exchange in 1960. In December 1977 it was renamed the Nigeria Stock Exchange, which now has several branches, with headquarters in Lagos. The branches are in Kaduna, Port Harcourt, Kano, Onitsha, Ibadan, Abuja, Yola and Ilorin.

The Nigeria Stock Exchange began with about 19 securities admitted to trading, but today more than 250 titles are listed on the Stock Exchange. Most listed companies are affiliated to foreign companies and represent the economy ranging from agriculture to manufacturing and services. It is the story of 39 years, without fraud or scandal to date has instilled much confidence and trust among investors. This is why the capital in the stock market has raised the tone of $ 3 billion also indicates that Nigeria Stock Exchange has been considered one of the most successful companies in Nigeria.

To increase the flow of foreign investment in Nigeria, the government took the initiative to abolish the law on the prevention of the flow of foreign capital. Now investors and operators of any country in the world is free to participate in the activities of the Nigeria Stock Exchange. The governing body of the Nigeria Stock Exchange's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Trade in Nigeria Stock Exchange is stocks, corporate bonds and government. The schedule for the trade are from 11.00 to 1300 hours daily Monday through Friday. Now, to make trading faster, easier and safe automated trading system used in the Nigeria Stock Exchange, Central Securities Clearing System Limited (CSCS) is responsible for cleaning, so that settlements and Delivery Lead transactions in Nigeria Stock Exchange. This was done to help Nigeria Stock Exchange in increasingly favorable to investors.

The Exchange has also launched its Internet system to achieve and exceed the challenges point to internationalization. Local and international members of the stock market may have access to key market information and trade statistics and the results of commercial enterprises.

The brokerage houses or issue to decide the prices of new shares and secondary market pricing is done by broker-dealers, and only determined by prevailing market forces.

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