2011年8月18日 星期四

Investment Banking | 5 Secrets To Handle Investment Banking Interviews

Going through the interview process can be a daunting and difficult. Fortunately, there are key secrets that can help you prepare for an investment banking interview that let you convert the interview into a job. Follow these secrets to help you land your dream job in investment banking.

1. Make sure your answers are facts and figures

Applicants who provide generic answers to questions do not differ from their competition. Your answers should give concrete examples to support your answers. An answer of "I have good communication skills" pales in comparison to a response of "I have written three reports have been published, contributing a monthly column for the company newsletter and won the annual competition for writers at the University ". We must be able to provide a cartoon of the facts to supplement their answers and to show why you are the best candidate for the position.

2. Dress appropriately

You only get one chance to make a first impression and your dress is your first impression. Don 't blow for dressing inappropriately. Men should wear a dark suit with white shirt. White shirts look more professional to continue with the basics and not try to use a different color shirt. Shined shoes and did not have marks on them. Women should wear dresses or skirts. The skirt should not be short. A woman should not wear a shirt that shows too much cleavage. Women should wear high heels 2 inches. Protruding stubs confidence.

3. Be on time

The worst thing you can do is be late for an interview. Not only shows disrespect to the interviewer 's time, but placed in a position of feeling nervous and rushed. Most interviews are scheduled by the large number of applicants being interviewed. By the afternoon shortens the time you have with the interviewer and the amount of time you have to set yourself apart. Arriving early allows you to account for time to find a parking space, find the location of the office and the right to start filling out all forms that may be needed.

4. Be prepared

With Internet access is easy to find information about the company with which you are interviewing. By providing specific knowledge about the company and its industry shows that you have done your homework and you are interested in the company. Most of the interviews relate to issues of analysis. It is advisable to spend time reviewing the formulas and calculations that may not have used recently. Be prepared for unexpected questions that you have no idea of ??the answer. These questions are asked to show their ability to research and formulate logical response. This is a skill that must be investment bankers.

5. Shut up and listen

It's easy to get caught in the moment and try to recite their life history in response to one question. If you provide too much, then the interviewer will forget your first key point
at the time you've finished taking on its tenth key point. Never talk too much so that the information you want to emphasize that gets lost in the amount of talking to do. Sometimes it is useful to ask the interviewer to ask a question again, although initially it was understood the question. The interviewer can rephrase the question that gives advice about what to emphasize in his response. Interviews for a position in investment banking can be very stressful and difficult. If you follow these secrets you will be well prepared for the interview more difficult in his life.

