2011年10月8日 星期六

Investing | Socially Responsible Investment In The Light Of Errors Bp 's

As the name suggests, the socially responsible investment is the act to avoid investing in companies that produce or act in a way that feels comfortable. The classic example is brought up again and again is the largest snuff. Philip Morris has long been a tremendous action from the point of view of investment. producing huge profits and dividends. The downside, of course, is the company produces cigarettes are often called coffin nails in the jargon as the impact of smoking on the body.

The interesting thing about socially responsible investing is there isn 'ta uniform ideal. I would think that something is not socially responsible, while you might have no problem with it. For example, a vegan will probably be reluctant to invest in a company producing hamburgers, while a carnivore wouldn 't hesitate to do so. In fact, the breakdown of what is socially responsible can be done by religious beliefs, social beliefs, and so almost anything depending on the beliefs' s.

The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has obviously brought a lot of unwanted attention to BP and deep marine borers. The sight of dead animals, oil-covered waters and beaches in ruins is causing an outrage to wait to see this kind of situation. The question then is what to do about it? A socially responsible investor waive the purchase of shares in BP, the oil reserves in general? The answer is really only one that can be offered according to their personal views.

The situation of the PA is the crux of the socially responsible investment. While there are groups that invest for specific social guidelines, most such investment is reduced to a personal decision. Will you buy these shares or not? All that really can decide.

