The best investment portfolio for the next 24 months, if properly configured can make good profits. Yes! although we are still recovering from the worst financial crisis the world has ever seen. Over the past 10 years, bond investors have done quite well, while poorly performing stock funds. But are the tides turn?
For many years the most astute investors have been more weighted in bonds, a simple formula that the portfolio has performed quite well. Especially in 2010. But that might not be what to do here in 2011. Too many people have been charged in bonds, and now, they are selling, many investors are second thinking that this might not be the best investment portfolio for them in the future.
But is the tide about to turn?
That's a good question. But the main trends in global markets are driving investments in many commodities. And continue to earn interest from well known analysts. Since the beginning of 2011, the price increases have been in gold, oil, silver and other goods. Especially since inflation is beginning to its ugly little head. This is sending bond prices significantly. These trends are likely to continue if inflation starts to heat up more.
For the best investment portfolio in 2011 and 2012 should be expected inflation rates and interest rates to heat and bond futures lose value. This bond is an investment vehicle to stay away from at least the next 12 months. Although you can see in bond funds short term. But once interest rates and inflation go up, stay well away.
Even the most astute investors can argue that interest rates and inflation have been heading lower in recent years. That's why bond prices rose so quickly. That were set by the Federal Reserve had no real reason for investors to be afraid. But with the time of printing money will end and that the Fed will be forced to raise rates as inflation come in. That will not be a good situation and by the looks of things here in 2011 we are almost at that point in time.
Make sure they are not too large investments in any area. Diversification is the key to a better investment portfolio in 2011 and 2012. The well-balanced and diversified funds always wins in the long term.