2011年9月30日 星期五

Investment Banking | Article On Financial Services

As economic growth spreads will finance the coming decades. If we talk about race in the financial sector there are many career opportunities for financial and commercial banking sectors, finance, banking, insurance etc. The financial sector creates many opportunities for better job and better career growth for job seekers.

There are several different types of financial services provided by the financial industries such as commercial banking, insurance sector, banking (private and public), Foreign Exchange services, investment services, etc.

Commercial Banking

Commercial Banking includes loan issuance (credit appraisal, management account), mortgage services, leasing, credit card banking, international finance, trade credit, fiduciary services and general operational management.

Insurance Sector

Insurance sector consists of insurance insurance insurance brokerage, where job seekers can have the job as insurance broker,
Brokers file etc

Investment Banking

Considered the most glamorous area in finance, banking investment includes corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, finance project, trading, structured finance, financial asset management, securities trading and financial advice. Other types of banking services including banking and capital market, Bank card, private banking etc

Financial services other services included as intermediate file which includes brokers help investors buy or sell shares. Primarily internet based companies are often referred to as discount brokerages, although many now have branches to help customers. It also includes private equity, venture capital, etc. Thus these clusters are some jobs that consist of financial service financial and accounting work, work, financial manager, financial analyst job, finance manager job, senior financial work etc

