2011年9月15日 星期四

Investment Banker | Nike 's New Coach

In 1977, Parker graduated to become a designer for Nike. In the 80 's Nike and Reebok' s fierce competition, Parker invented a style known as visible air technology. In 1987, Nike Air Max Series officially launched, including the design of Parker with this multi-functional shoes air bag technology. Nike Air remodel all the Nike brand, Parker became a star designer.

As a designer in the period, Parker alone contributed to the Nike "Innovation Kitchen" was born. "Innovation Kitchen" is a designer 's of reflection for the Nike Nike in the field of athletic footwear and sportswear leading the ambition of trying to finance the creation sports, art and science of a series of whimsical in an oven . Today, he has served as CEO of Parker will still be present in the kitchen of innovation, the role of chief product designer.

Interested? In stock prices and financial statements of the CEO compared to Parker, more concerned with popular culture products. Office Parker 's, full of his collection, this strange collection of portfolio Rolling Stones guitarist includes a huge portrait of the Apollo astronauts manual, guitar god Jimmy. Hendrix's guitar, and Michael. Keaton starred in the boots of Batman 's, and so on through time. The investment banker on Wall Street, Parker is more like graffiti artists, tattoo designer, rapper dinner with that person, in his opinion, these are people who can influence popular culture.

Also part of every day, Parker is also very good in dealing with the stars. Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant and Tiger. Woods was once quoted a friend of Parker, which also allow the fashion industry 's Bad Boy Alexander. McQueen bought 150 pairs of Nike shoes. Parker, a star of the most successful marketing, which was never convinced to change the image of Steve Jobs pulled in front of his New Balance tennis shoes, put on a pair of Nike Air Max 90.

After taking office, according to the different sports units Parker reorganized the company 's business, re-allocation of the business area, which China and Japan, the new approach to development, but also to expedite the process information, the regional average reduction of management staff, presided over the history of the company 's, a rare round of layoffs.

Through this effort, the environment, Nike 's overall economic downturn, strong revenue growth in quarterly earnings increased 53%. Parker also tried to address the difficult problems faced by Nike, such as sweatshops in Asia has been widely criticized and the issues of carbon emissions. Under the auspices of the Parker, the team of the company 's responsible for corporate responsibility and product design departments, thoroughly investigate the effectiveness of all processes, toxicity, the impact of energy and security. Meanwhile, Parker listed a series of improvements to the design - materials, components, construction methods, manufacturing methods, the digital revolution together, these ideas and technologies will result in a "sustainable manufacturing processes," green "line of shoes. "

It was the leadership of Knight, Nike will move to the park in front of a sprinter, will eventually pass the baton to the marathon runners. In this regard, a former employee of Nike which means deep wealth recalled that Parker had a single Nike has created a race to decide who are the fastest results of the Air Max LTD competition is not, who is the long-term but it is estimated that on their own time of arrival at a distance was more accurate perception of their ability to get the most knowledgeable people will triumph, and Parker is a successful career.

