2011年9月27日 星期二

Investment News | Stock Market Day Trading System

Day trading is controversial to say the least, and the fact is that over 90% of day traders lose money rather than what it is. The typical day trader is seen as little more than a player in a casino. However, as we all know, there are some players who are professionals - and millionaires. They must know something that few other players know. If a day trader is to succeed, he must also know something that few know.

Day traders suffer from the problems of market timing. With market timing, an investor tries to predict market direction 's in the future. The economic data, including technical indicators, and even the financial news and investment, can be used to help the operator to determine what actions to take positions (short or long) and when to sell or buy. However, there are many investors who believe it is impossible to time the market. There are too many variables, they say, and if there are any underlying pattern of market timing, which are very complex and subject to much "noise" so that anyone can understand. Clearly, there are day traders who disagree with this - but, again, is not the fact that over 90% of these lose money instead of making money.

There is a lot of risk with time active day trading. Time risk is the margin of error that a day trader takes when s / buying in a position that s / he won 't make the right move (or no longer make the right move based on the price of the shares in the time of purchase) to make the most of the latest market movements. From the analysis of market risk is the old adage that it is better than "market time" that "trying to time the market." Evidence of this is that most institutional money managers do no better than a simple index fund that follows a time in the market, buy and hold strategy.

Despite the deck against them, day traders are still trying to make his fortune in his own way. Most lose money ... But they sense something is going to be true: if the market is capable of being programmed correctly, will make a killing. It 's a matter of finding a way to measure time. If I could do that, they would have special knowledge mentioned above. But is this possible?

It is possible that if they use a special tool - a day trading robot. These artificial intelligence (AI) have been around the investment world, as even before the Internet. They have become much more advanced in the past nearly 20 years, and the Internet has made it possible for them to be used by many people. Institutional fund managers have used robots to help trading day for many years, and managers make the best use of them are among the most successful.

These artificial intelligence programs are capable of learning from past mistakes? Market timing, and analysis of stock charts and other market data. They learn just like a human operator, except as don 't need to sleep or eat and have no other distractions or things to think about, you can learn much, much faster and possibly further. As a trader, you can program your robot with the parameters of choice of business strategies, and the program to learn and give their opinion as to what they can achieve in a period of time for you to make adjustments in the program if want.

Robots trading day are also faster to move from one human being can usually be. They use an electronic trading platform that allows them to place orders instantly, so the loss due to delay is minimized in order.

Therefore, for the day trader, day trading robot is indispensable. There is no good reason to make this trade without the help of the AI ??so important. But with it, making a fortune in day trading is possible.

