2011年9月22日 星期四

Hedge Fund | Geneva Roundtable Reveals How Family Offices, Fund Of Funds Cope With The Markets And A Changing Hedge Fund World

eneva, October 6th, 2008 -- Opalesque( Hedge Fund News ), the world's largest subscription-based publisher covering the alternative investment industry, has just launched the eighth issue of its groundbreaking Roundtable Series, the Opalesque Geneva Roundtable ( :

The Opalesque Roundtable Series provide a catalog of intelligence on the world's most important hedge fund centers and portrait the most important local players of each jurisdiction. New York, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, and Auckland are already covered. With the new Geneva Roundtable, Opalesque enters another major global wealth and asset management center.

It is estimated that approximately 30% of all global hedge fund investments are allocated through Switzerland . In addition, a number of single manager hedge funds and other related service providers have moved here or set up subsidiaries.

The Roundtable was sponsored by Taussig Capital and took place September 8th 2008 in the offices of Bedrock Group. Opalesque has aligned a hand-picked cross section of the local players, including representatives from UBP, which with over $55 billion is the second largest allocator to hedge funds globally, as well as a partner of $4bln+ hedge fund Jabre Capital, and Dr Stphane Graber, Deputy Manager, Department of Economy and Health at the Canton of Geneva - who helps hedge funds to move there - and many more:

1. Anne Simond, Director, UBP

2. Mark Cecil, Partner, Jabre Capital

3. Thomas Della Casa, Head of Research, RMF / Man Group

4. Jean Keller, CEO, 3A

5. Tony Morongiello, Partner, Caliburn Capital

6. Dr Stphane Graber, Deputy Manager, Department of Economy and Health, Canton of Geneva

7. Nicolas Maduz, Managing Partner, Tiberius Group

8. Daniel Penseyres, Partner, Bedrock Group

9. Dr Gregoire Haenni, Partner, Bedrock Group

10. Gabriel Kurland, Founder, Hedge Fund Appraisal

11. Olivier d'Auriol, Founder, D'Auriol Asset Management

12. Eric Halff, Director, ARKION SA

13. Peter Sartogo, Managing Partner, Global Wealth Management SA

14. Joe Taussig, Founder, Taussig Capital

In this Roundtable Script, you will learn:

l What opportunities some of the world's leading hedge fund allocators and researches see - despite the ongoing turmoil

l With leverage, the big global growth engine until recently, having gone, what can we expect from emerging markets?

l How efficient risk management has saved a lot of managers, but allocators still find that when talking to hedge funds "they tell you the truth, but sometimes not all the truth"...

l A fundamental discussion on operational risk and due diligence: Are the promises of the fund-of-funds actually worthless when you take a second look?

l In what direction the current environment is forcing hedge fund-of-funds in order to survive

l How should the fund-of-funds community deal with side pockets?

l What is the true issue behind the liquidity discussion?

l Background on Jabre Capital's "incredibly successful" move to set up in Geneva

l How are family offices coping with the markets and a changing hedge fund world?

The participants of this Roundtable also elaborate on the historic merger of the US/UK based hedge fund Fairfield Greenwich Group with the Swiss private bank Banque Bndict Hentsch, and why we will be seeing "a lot of hedge fund managers become involved in Swiss private banking". What are the "fundamental problems" of the hedge fund industry, and how can this new confluence address them?

The Opalesque Geneva Roundtable can be downloaded here:

All other previously published Opalesque Roundtable Scripts can be accessed here:

About Opalesque:

In 2003, with the publication of its daily Alternative Market Briefing, Opalesque successfully launched an information revolution in the hedge fund media space: "Opalesque changed the world by bringing transparency where there was opacity and by delivering an accurate professional reporting service." - Nigel Blanchard, Culross. This hybrid financial news service, which combines proprietary industry news stories and filtered third party reports, has been credited by many industry insiders with delivering precise, accurate, and vital information to a notoriously guarded audience.

Each week, Opalesque publications are read by more than 500,000 industry professionals in over 100 countries. Opalesque is the only daily hedge fund publisher which is actually read by the elite managers themselves (

