2011年9月27日 星期二

Investing | Three Important Tips For Inexperienced Investors Investments

If you want to invest, then you have to trust people. It has been said that investing is a team sport and you need experts to do those things you don 't do well. As doctors, lawyers and accountants to be able to rely on an experienced investor with their money. Even with professional help you need to be careful. Here are 3 great tips to help you get the most out of your investment while maintaining safe and secure.

1. Knowing the risk and reward

All investments you make are "dictated" by the relationship between risk and reward. High-risk investments usually have great rewards. Low-risk investments generally have lower yields and the amount of risk you feel comfortable should dictate your investment strategy. If you have a professional approach to their investments, then you need to make sure you know exactly what the risks are.

2. Commitment

One problem with investing in mutual funds is that you have to commit for a specified period of time. The terms usually vary from 1 to 10 years and although this is usually not a big problem the problem comes when you want to get your money. Most funds charge an exit fee when you need to get your money. Make sure you know exactly what s' intervene if necessary to get your money.

3. Fees and charges

Most inexperienced investors burn their fingers with the fees and charges. Like any other professional investors who hold their investments will be charged a fee. These rates are generally integrated into the investment package and can be very high. I 've seen the funds that charge up to 5% which is much. It 's important that you know exactly what fees and charges are involved because they do not want unpleasant surprises when you reach your end of year statement.

