2011年9月24日 星期六

Stock Market | How To Read The Stock Tables Like A Pro

Stock market news is all around us every day in different ways. It 's on TV, that' s in the ticker tape in front of the financial buildings, that 's in the paper as tables of values ??and that' s on the Internet. So how to make sense of all financial data from these resources? Learning to read the stock market is a prerequisite for becoming a successful stock market investor.Here are the basics you need to know to read data from the stock market

How to Read Stock Market Tables

Open any newspaper business section and that 'll see a table full of numbers, arrows and letters. This is usually a table of values ??and encapsulate the stock market performance 's for that day, and given past data for comparative analysis.

Although tables of all the newspapers' s stock could be slightly different, in general, they all contain the same basic information. Here 's how to read the table of market values:

52-week high: This figure gives the highest price for a particular action in the last 52 weeks. It 's crucial to be able to determine the performance of a stock over time and analyze trends.

52-week low: This figure will give you the lowest price for a stock in the last 52 weeks (almost a year). It 's also crucial to assess trends and performance. When combined with the high figure of 52 weeks, you should give an accurate assessment of return on equity 's year.

Name / Symbol: This column contains the name of the company and its stock symbol. A stock symbol is usually a three-letter symbol to identify the company in the stock market. You need to know the stock symbol of any company to invest in what you can do track their performance over time and also when using the Internet to find stock quotes. Companies often collect memorable ticker symbols, so that, for example, Genentech, a biotechnology company, has the stock symbol DNA.

Dividend: The amount paid annually by a company as a benefit to shareholders.

Volume: The number of shares traded today for a particular action.

Yield: Yield is a percentage calculated as dividends divided by stock price, the performance of a particular stock can change from day to day depending on their stock price that day.

P / E Ratio: This ratio is simply the share price divided by the company 's earnings per share. In general, a lower P / E ratio is desirable because it would mean that the company is a good investment value today.

Last day: This would be the price today 's market, or when the stock last traded on a weekday.

Net Change: The differential measures the net change in stock price between the current price and the price the previous day, and reports of change as a percentage.

How to read the tape stock exchange

The tape stock exchange operates in television channels as well as outside of financial buildings and the Internet. It 's usually a quick look at how different people are doing in the current day. It denotes the stock of its symbol, which can be one to four letters. Some companies to shorten its brand name, so that the symbol Google 's is GOOG, while other companies use their full name, like Nike.

The ticker is also usually shows a green arrow, indicating increased stock price, or a red arrow indicating a drop in stock price followed by a percentage that indicates the amount of change in the price of the actions of business on the day 's.

Both tables of values ??and stock prices are useful for an investor to monitor and track the performance of actions. Knowing how to read the stock market is essential for any investor, because stock investing is about making and monitoring of your investment so you can adjust your portfolio to best market conditions.

