2011年9月20日 星期二

Investment News | The Best Magazines For Investment News And Advice

"October: .. This is one of the particularly dangerous months to speculate in stocks The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February"

- Mark Twain (1835-1910), legendary writer and humorist.

As is clear in the quotation above, the investment is a risky business. However, with proper orientation, which can be very rewarding. After all, with inflation, the money saved without using is wasted money - a year from now, the dollar buys less than it would buy today. In other words, investing is a necessity not a luxury.

The first thing to determine is your investment objective. As a successful investor once said, "An investor without investment goals is like a traveler without a destination." If you do not know where you want to be and when, you never know how to get there. For example, if you are investing money in the short term, say the marriage of his daughter 's in three years can be risky to invest in stocks. On the other hand, if you have a long investment horizon, investment capital makes more sense.

The second thing to remember is do not be swayed by trends. That is what led to the dot-com boom, which is what led to the crisis in sub-prime mortgages. Investing in something you truly believe in. As legendary investor and one of the world's richest men, Warren Buffet says, "Only buy something you 'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market was closed for ten years."

That said, you need the right information to make the right decisions. Here are some of the best newspapers investment news and advice:

1. Investment Advisor - This is a monthly magazine, not really meant for the lay investor. This is a publication of business-to-business targeted at independent financial advisers, registered investment advisers and insurance brokers based.

2. FDI Magazine - This is a story every two months and the foreign direct investment publication owned by Financial Times Business Group and edited in London. As its name suggests, is aimed at individuals wishing to invest abroad, which, looking at annual growth rates in developing nations can not be a bad idea.

3. Wholesale investors - Relatively new on the scene, this publication based in Australia and has achieved a loyal following through his unconventional views. Often with private companies are high growth, innovative technology itself are awarded or the pursuit of international expansion. Areas normally covered are the Internet, Health, Mining, Green Technology, Finance, Consumer Goods, Telecommunications, Agriculture, and Property.

4. Forbes - One of the biggest names in the business world famour this fortnightly magazine with a subscription of 900,000. Group is part of Forbes Media, which has a significant presence online with websites like Forbes.com, Investopedia.com, RealClearPolitics.com, and RealClearSports.com RealClearMarkets.com. Forbes Asia, ForbesLife and women are the sister Forbes. There also has 10 local language editions under license in China, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey.

5. Men - now officially known as Bloomberg Businessweek, the fortnightly magazine born just before the start of the Great Depression. Action pioneered national coverage of political issues that directly affected the business world. Take widely followed executive pay and business school rankings.

6. Fortuna - La Fortuna venerable concludes from this list. In addition to compiling the list of the top companies in the Fortune 500, the fortnightly magazine, launched during the Great Depression, has a current circulation of over 850,000. Along with Forbes and BusinessWeek, Fortune forms of the Holy Trinity of investment periodicals.

