2011年9月25日 星期日

Stock Exchange | The ASE In The European Union

Virtually all of the shares are distributed in the bags, this is the place where buyers and sellers to assemble and put on a price. Many exchanges in the stock market are the specific locations where they conduct business in a trading floor. Another type of stock exchange market is made of an electronic network of computers where the trade is eliminated electronically.

The Index of the Athens Stock Exchange is two indices. ATHEX Composite Index of main market is a general index that incorporates the highest 60 shares of the market capitalized company in Athens, and indicates the general market trends. The ATHEX Market Composite Index Total Return Total return does the composite index.

Today, business exchanges worldwide, and institutions have become heavily governed. Investors who wish to purchase and manage Internet stocks should do so indirectly through a stock brokerage, which has bought a property in the exchange. Business organizations with stocks and shares are traded on a stock market listed companies said, and are required to meet specific criteria, which changes through exchanges. Almost all stock markets started as a trading floor, where merchants traded with the meat. In the world's largest stock market, the NYSE, continues to operate in this way, but almost all exchanges in the world 's are now completely digital.

Athens Stock Exchange hours trying determined between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm with 30 minutes. before the opening session and a period after the end of 15 minutes. Members of the ASE general brokers have obtained approval from the Board of Directors of the ASE, are permitted to trade in the stock market. All procedures are monetary currency, and traded on the stock exchange.

A stock market is where stock trading can take place. Individual merchants and organizations and buying stocks at an all-the-board scale. Above all, a specific company trades onlys a given market and is said to be in the brokerage of possible corridor. However, the head of the companies in the world can be found in countless actions named among offerings.There exchanges.This action list are a variety of methods usually treat the purchase or through intermediaries known as row shares, which carry the sealed bids transfer by one owner to another buyer. The holding of shares can be purchased directly from the company markets stock market too.The of every nation is a good indicator of its economy, which only works to demonstrate the development and the great power of the markers of values.

As Greece has become a full member of the European Union, with the introduction of the euro and the arrangements prepared by the Greek government in 2007, the Athens Stock Exchange is tightly integrated into the European stock exchange. It is the main stock market in Greece seeking certificates of shares and bonds through a digital system called OASIS. behind the screen option and futures trading is transmitted in the indexes, futures and options, future Euro-Dollar exchange rate over the ten years of Hellenic Republic Bonds through the Athens Stock Exchange derivatives.

