2011年9月24日 星期六

Hedge Fund | Start A Currency Hedge Fund And Make Your Own Fortune

Foreign exchange spot transactions "FX" is the newest vehicle and increasing investment hedge fund industry.


Now there's an easy way to turn the key to successful traders set their own Spot Forex Fund, where:

You are the administrator of the Fund;

To get the incentive fee;

You control the investment and trading strategies.


The turnkey implementation in a fraction of the traditional startup costs.

The key office that lets you control the overall operations, while not having the responsibility for daily operations.


The emergence of a growing number of homes on the FX market means that now make, FX traders are now able to implement quickly and effectively its own currency SPOT hedge funds with a minimum cost and with minimal regulatory oversight ease and efficiency.

As a forex trader, you will be able to "turn key" to use their own cash currency hedge fund.

You provide the ability for negotiation and key funding capacity and coverage TURN, INC. to make it happen! No effort, no problem, we will just make it happen!

TURNING KEY HEDGE FUNDS, Inc. has established a series of contacts with foreign manufacturers in the exchange market that offers the operator to change the business opportunities previously only available to large banks and brokerage firms. FX traders will have online trading platforms as well as assistance in its use as an office for back support, technology, support compliance, the introduction of capital possible, and many more benefits!

Currencies are a 'folder counter' products, and as such is not listed or traded on any specific market. Prices are? By a large number of "market makers" assets such as banks, specialized agents of currency or other financial institutions. There is not a fixed contract model, nor is there any other fees or additional transaction costs involved. All prices are "two ways", ie supply and demand (the media). This quote is inclusive of all transaction costs. The spread can vary depending on market conditions and liquidity. Prices may vary depending on the liquidity and are constantly changing. "Market" is alive all day and 'follow the sun "around the world. You can operate efficiently in the market from Sunday 20:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT on Friday. The positions can opened and closed at any time during this period. The international line is in the western Pacific, and each day of work comes first in the Asia Pacific, the first financial centers in Wellington, New Zealand, after Sydney, Australia , followed by Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore. A few hours later, while markets remain active in Asia centers, trading begins in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Middle East. Later still, when later in the business day in Tokyo, markets in Europe open to the public. It should be noted that the European time zone is the most active, with about 2 / 3 of all global transactions being cleared through London. Later, when it is noon in Europe, with operations in New York and other U.S. centers begins. Finally, completing the circle, when it's late, middle or end in the United States, the next day has come to the Asia-Pacific, the first markets have opened, and the process begins again.

Twenty-four hour market means that exchange rates and market conditions may change at any time, in response to global change at any time. Any institutions that deal chosen by the Association must be available 24 hours trading. This is the only market where investors can react and the potential benefit of any economic event, social and political at the time that happens on the day or night.


