2011年9月30日 星期五

Stock Market | The Experts Called On The Securities Market

The typical broker is going to sound like a real expert to talk to a potential prospect, especially a fledgling stock market. The corridor will provide information and hot tips. Commercial use of this information and hot tips are some of the best ways to lose money in the market. Most runners are terrible marketers. That's why we are successful agents instead of full-time traders.

You will hear from some in the financial world of investment funds are the way forward. The vast majority of mutual funds than the S & P. Most people think that investment fund managers are experts in the stock market. The numbers say otherwise, since approximately 80% of mutual funds underperform the stock market 's return in a typical year. This is not good.

Then we have television personalities like Jim Cramer. Cramer has a lot of terrible advice, and has influenced many people to lose large amounts of money. Cramer, in his ignorance, continually telling people to buy shares at lower prices. Mr. Cramer, you are telling people to go against the trend. Obviously, Cramer does not understand the principles of business success in the stock market. Sadly, too many people fall for his methods of losing.

At this point, you're probably thinking that there is no way to consistently make money in the stock market or other trading venue. I have great news for you. Same constantly featured merchants do a lot of money in the markets, year after year. In fact, they have amassed fortunes because of their exceptional business skills. The key is to learn from these merchants legendary William J. O 'Neil, Jesse Livermore, Michael W. Covel, Richard Dennis, and others. Read his books. Study methods and principles. Applying what you learn in your own trade. Their results will improve. You could even make a fortune.

