2011年9月15日 星期四

Investment Banker | The Search For Venture Capital

Venture capital comes in different forms and at different costs. Before you rush out to grab the millions needed to start the next Apple or IBM, the employer must fashion an organized plan of attack. Not being thorough and professional in dealing with raising venture capital has left many good ideas on the bench, lost in an endless search for funding.

As the company prepares to launch its strategy and build a management team, conventional forms of financing are almost impossible to obtain. The employer has five basic options in the search for venture capital and each option comes with different specifications.

"Commercial banks" Entrepreneurs with an existing business, a strong balance sheet and several years of gains and losses verified and a deposit relationship with the lender can apply to a commercial bank capital. The employer is usually asked to secure the loan with individual assets as collateral. Commercial banks rarely involved in launching a new business and the amount of the employer? loan will be a percentage of entrepreneurs? warranty. The new operation will also have to pay interest, the money could be better used to develop the business. When working with today? commercial lenders, a high degree of transparency that is needed. In a commercial loan, the borrower assumes the risk.

"The investment banking firms' investment bankers are also called vulture capitalists. Often, investment banks only work in specific industries. If the employer needs the funds for the expansion of a company that works in one of those industries, the investment banker may consider an application for funding. The investment banking business for solid gains in an industry with growth potential and a management team they like. Since the exposure in an industry, investment bankers can be very beneficial for a growing operation. When applied to investment bankers, the employer will have accurate projections and, of course, accurate financial records. Investment bankers are interested? Existing operations primarily seeking a commercial partner and the vulture always have to see a viable exit strategy.

"The venture capital group" venture capital groups are high net worth investors who have decided to take some risks. These groups are looking for the next great product, service and the concept of miracle. The entrepreneur with a new concept will be required to post capital in the new company as collateral, and could be a significant amount of capital. The employer is obliged to give up equity, but you will gain the funds needed to implement and a partner with a proven success in making money. Venture capitalists usually have specialists for each step of the company? growth from the first stage and advance to the exciting early stage. When approaching a venture capitalist, the entrepreneur must be prepared. You can have 20 minutes to make a compelling first impression. Get the facts, is supported by the projections, this management team? credentials and explain why there is no demand for your product.

"Angels and sophisticated private investors" angels and private investors are out there. Sometimes they are under the same roof. These participants can provide sufficient funds for early stage or expansion, but are rarely in the long term. The angels and investors may require a loan structure or want equality. Be careful, because doing business with friends has destroyed many friendships.

"Investor Magazine and wholesale sites" Journal of wholesale investors and the website was created to help entrepreneurs who need venture capital and provide a resource for venture capitalists. Employers can post information, projections, concepts and graphics about your company private in a downloadable format Information Memorandum. Investors can download all the information published by the company and will provide contact information to discuss investment opportunities with the opportunity.

Businesses and business concepts must be approved and verified by the publisher before the information published.

